Tuesday, May 22, 2012

14th and 15th try - Angry squills and first picks

Worked hard and "carried" the lab all day, I just want to relax and be a support for a while. :)

I'm last at picks, I always love it!
Suddenly a random discussion appears...

Mate1: "so i top, cant jungle"
Mate2: "so i top, cant mid, cant jungle, cant ad carry, cant support"
Me: "o.o why ranked then?"
I'll never understand this attitude. If you can play only one role, why you go ranked?
At the end I said I could jungle, but another one was so nice to let me support instead :) so I choose Lulu.
We're Annie, Varus, Jax, Sejuani (jungle), Lulu vs Nocturne, Kata, Ashe, Alistar, Tryndamere.

Bot lane was funny, I must thank Varus for the nice play. Ashe-Alistar combo was full of slows and stuns, but with some squills instead of cows all went fine.

But then the lane phase ends, and a super fat Tryndamere leaves top to roam through his jungle, our jungle, our lanes, our turrets, our corpses. SO fed!! >.<
We fought some nice tf, but evenually their team spirit was much better than ours, and we lost.

-19 rating (o.o dat cut!), 1093 ELO, fluffy Squills eventually turn into angry barbarians :(


First pick, I panic a bit. I ban some of the standard champs (Kassa / Shen / Lee).

Chat in the champion selection screen is weirdly empty o.o
With a bit of fear (I'm first pick, don't know which AD I'll have to babysit and which combo I'll have to counter) I pick Sona for lots of sustain and a bit of cc. Our 3rd mate picks Alistar first, and 1 second before locking changes to Irelia. Cool, cause the only roles that were already decided were support and solo top -.- Luckily our GP is nice and goes jungle instead.

So we're Sona, GP, Irelia, Varus, Akali vs. Maokai, Ahri, Graves, Riven, Blitzcrank.

HATE Blitz for all his grabs. It sucks to pick first when you want to support.
Game starts, Irelia tries to go bot :-/ multiple pings, and she heads top.
I can't tell what was wrong, bot lane was ok (Blitz definitely wasn't the King of skillshots and missed almost everything) but when team fight phase arrived we found ourselves to be clearly inferior. So ye, GG, this game was already over :( no need to tell, everybody started complaining about anyone, which just made everything even worst.

-17 rating, 1076 ELO, I hate first picks!

Friday, May 18, 2012

11th, 12th and 13th try - Rise and fail

Back in hell!
Here we go, ready to rise or fall. 

I'm last at picks. Good, I ask to go support as always, no-one complains. Perfect! I ask our carry Ashe wether she prefers sustain or cc. No answer, I choose my favourite Suppordle!

We're Ashe, Lulu, Morde, Renekton, Xin vs. Kennen, Garen, Varus, Shaco, Galio.
Galio seems to be the support since he has cv. Let's hope for the best. At least their Varus doesn't have heal.

...a disaster. An almost-complete disaster. My ashe doesn't know how to last hit, so we're stuck under turret the whole game and at 10' min Varus has 3x her cs. Morde mid goes arrogant against Kennen, and would do a great job, if weren't for the ultra-ganking Shaco that makes him die every-fuuuuu-minute. If we're losing the lanes, our Xin's losing the jungle (is it even possible?). We managed to go to late phase and even win a team fight or two somehow, but our team was clearly lower, and couldn't deserve to winDuring team fights, our Ashe threw a Volley and then just ran around chicken-style. Gosh, i am no good AD carry, but someone told me to attack things that move until they stop moving. Our Renekton (really god top, tbh) was always solo and threw himself in the middle of the fight only when we were already dead, killing one lowered carry and granting enemy team an easy Ace. Our Jungle-Xin was not beefy at all, and... well... I'm as squishy as a Yordle can be, so we died early at every fight. 
I honestly can't say I played that bad, doing my job, trying to save lives and to stay alive... but it's easier to see other's faults, so I probably sucked hard, too.

At the end of the fight, two of us started to chat in Russian (I guess), and I can almost certainly tell that they were arguing or complaining, 'cause there was a lot of caps lock! ;)
They pushed us slowly but surely to our nexus, another bad team fight and the war was over.

-17 rating, 1088 ELO, disappointed Suppordle is disappointed!


Second try, back under 1100 ELO. Our last pick says "ME TEEMO!"
I shyly dare to ask "Teemo top or AD bot?"

Luckily, enemy team bans Teemo (weird one, I think.)
He then says "OLAF!" - but we need a ranged AD carry. He says "ok" and when it's his turn to pick, after all the roles were decided, he locks Olaf. With a long sigh, I quit

After 5 minutes I log in again to discover I lost 10 rating o.o didn't know there was this kind of mechanism in ranked solo queues (lul I'm nub), but it certainly sucks. Double-sigh. I queue again.

Our AD Ashe seems to be nice, we chat a bit before game starts. She asks for cc, so I give her a Janna. 
Ready to go! But summoner 1 leaves, and I'm back to the queue again.

Luckily, I'm matched again with the "nice" Ashe! And I'm ready to play with my favourite skin: Hextech Janna. We finally start: Ashe, Irelia, Ahri, Shaco, Janna vs. Caitlyn, Brand, Olaf, Lulu (grrr), Riven. We're kinda squishier, let's hope it won't be a problem.

...no, it's
not a problem! This time, my (Woad) Ashe knows how to kill things. But most of all, this Shaco knows how to jungle! Lots of early ganks, lots of enemy deaths: a relatively easy and smooth game is just what I needed right now. Not really gg 'cause we were literally pulverizing them, and they surrendered early without a single team fight. Their Lulu went afk after 10 minutes or so. I felt sorry for them, but I must confess I don't dislike a little free elo, when available.

+18 rating, 1096 ELO,


Third and last try for today, let's see if I can go back over 1100 rating.
Noone wants to steal my supportive role, so this time I choose Sona.
We're Shyvana (top), Nocturne, Kata, Sona, Vayne vs. Varus, Janna, Irelia, Lux, Trundle. As their Janna (grrr for no reason) has cv, they don't have exhaust. Lux has clarity (I like it on lux, too, tbh) so they kinda lack offensive summoners. Go go team!

fail hard picking the Aura of celerity at lvl 1 -.-" yay pro support is pro! I dissemble a winning strategy telling Vayne that I'll pick the heal at lvl 2. Another thing I failed to do in this game was buying the boots. We won (spoiler!) before I could get any, so I was slow and always late in team fights! Our lane was well fought, but eventually we managed to win it :) a good Vayne is always a pleasure to support. I must have seemed like the Queen of Baits, cause poor Varus kept attacking me and just before the final shot he was just in range for a well placed ulti + Vayne's stun + exhaust + heal + woooo flash the hell out of here. I must admit none of these wonderful baits was intentional, 'cause I was really fearing a horrible death any time! D: Luckily, our Vayne was fast enough to stun and kill everything. Our Kata was also getting horribly fed, so we won early, enemy team surrendered. GG! And back to "my" former elo :)

+16 rating, 1112 ELO,
crescendo! ^^

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Abstinence and theories

Meh, it's been so long since I last played a ranked game.
I was pretty busy working, furnishing my future home (yep, and first thing I bought was the internect connection service...), and avoiding the "bad-gaming" hours.

I'm not an experienced LoL player, but in the last months I observed a correlation between the number of victories and the time of day. (Oh, come on, I am a scientist! I have theories on everything.)

After some experimentation, I came to the conclusion that the best time (for me) to play a ranked is just before dinner (around 6 - 7 PM) on weekdays. And that the worst possible moment to play is on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

What is the most plausible explanation for this phenomenon? 
I have many ideas about it. At first I thought that avoiding the times of day when kids are usually home from school could be a good idea. The "avoid kids" theory. That is, assuming that most of the (really) bad LoL players have less than 16-18 years, which of course is not true. Then I came up with the "starving" theory: games played just before meals are better because players need to go eat; they want to win fast and avoid distractions. But this ground is also rather weak. Playing after eating could also reduce performances due to the insulin-related postprandial sleepiness. Well, at least this thought has a rational basis.

After all this theorizing, I came to the conclusion that the best time to play ranked games is around 6:30 PM, Monday to Friday, one single game a day. 

...for me.

I guess it's a "personalized theory". I identified the times of the week in which I am more "prepared" to play well, and limited my first progression games to that moments only. This approach has brought me luck so far, so I'm determined to continue in this direction, for now. I obviously play lots (and lots and lots) of normal games in all the other times of week :) so that I can 
improve my play style.

I hope that all those who think to be stuck in ELO Hell will find their (personalized!) lucky moment. Let's keep trying!