Saturday, September 29, 2012

71st and 72nd try - Noob Lux report!

Lets go up!!! It's sunday evening, I just tried to prepare some maki, but failed hard. Let's win the internet!

I got a MF bot, I decide to go Lux.
"Support lux really?"
I don't answer, she's totally viable and if you don't know it - well it's your fault.
We've got some strange choices but its ok I guess...we're MF, Lux, Wukong, Nunu jungle and Talon mid. They got Ez, Amumu, Blitz, Galio and Nasus.
Weird game, there were so many people roaming during the first levels :-/
Our MF wasn't great, got caught by blitz several times, their Ez got fed and I couldn't save her anymore.
Our Wukong was a great escapist :)

-12 ELO, 1186 rating  "Noob support report" - said MF  - "I report you" - said the enemy team. LOL.

At picks... I go mid since 2 of us were premade and wanted to go bot.

Random: mit with lux?
Me: ye
Me: hope they think I'm support
Random: can u pick somethjing not that useless ?
Random: pls
Me: just leave if you're not ok
Me: I play my best not everyone's best
Random: why would I
Me: then dont complain please :) its annoyng letting others decide your play
Random: cuz I have a thing called "brain" and I use it properly
Me: dont complain please (again)

Someone else leaves, gg. Why complain about Lux? o.o

3. I first pick lux as support, someone leaves. No-one loves Lux :'(

Ok, I pick Leona and go bot with Graves. I'm 3rd at picks, good (I think).
But We played against a 2k elo smurf :-/ he was with us in the previous queue.
Meh, wasn't fair at all >.< he says its a 2k ELO player  who's taking a friend's account to 1500... RAGE HATE etc etc!!

I must remember that I shouldn't play on weekend evenings :-/

-12 ELO, 1174 rating, the Light went off :(

Friday, September 28, 2012

66th to 70th try - Light save me ç_ç

It's cleaning time! While I wait for the washing machine to finish its thing, I can make some ranked games... I hope to clean my rating too :-/
One day I'll upgrade the blog right after playing... but not this day!!

I take lux and go bot with Ezreal. We have a good jarvan and a nice Kata mid, and we did some pretty team fights!
I just was really annoyed from too much spam and insults in ALL chat. From both teams. Why all the hate?

+14 ELO, 1174 rating, too much love will kill you?

They have Blitz!!! I have Ezreal premade. I take lux cause they have Sivir. Wait, doesn't make sense :V but it's what I wrote down... anyway, we won!

+14 ELO, 1188 rating, back to my highest elo :)

Alone again, someone leaves at bans :-/

4. Evelynn mid and the new champion (Xax...xazz... whatever) top.
I take Leona 'cause she fits so well with our carry Graves.
Xaxx... Xiz...XX spammed a lot but was ok. Our Aamumu was ok. But our Eve mid... was awesome :)  suicided a bit at some point but could definitely make up for that.
We won :D

+11 ELO, 1199 rating, aghhhh so close to 1200!!!

I want to play Lux, so I head bot with our Graves. He was a bit slow, but didn't feed, so ok.
Our Morde mid was good but suicided too much early :-V a bit too greedy I guess.
But our WW top was really awesome and left the lane really fed. Our Xin in jungle was also good, so we managed to win!

+11 ELO....whoooo 1210 rating :D


Uhm I must go mid cause someone else wanted to support so badly... that I agreed to let him go bot.
I'll never, never, NEVER let anyone else support in my place -.- he said he was an "amazing Blitzcrank" but failed nearly every grab, and wasn't able to save our carry at all. A fed Xha'zix... Zha'xix? whatever, a fed XX-thing was eating us alive, our Jayce wasn't good at all, our Lee jungle tried his best but wasn't great and we couldn't make up for a really bad start. I don't remember who I was facing mid, but had an average game - good at start, terribad during team fights, I got melted down all the time.

-12 ELO, 1198 rating, back under 1200 :(

Thursday, September 27, 2012

63th to 65th try - A natural disaster

I definitely want to go back to silver :( lets hope for the best.

They ask me to go blitz... man, did I ask you to pick something? I play what I want to! (Hormones: ON) I take Lux, with the new splash art which finally substitutes my custom one ^^
But we got AP mid Soraka and one of our mates leaves game -.- come on, she can be viable!

Again, someone wants me to pick what they want to :-/ but I'm not in that mood, so  I take Lux u.u
My mouse was acting strange (it totally deserved a nice clean-up afterwards). Zyra mid was useless. Lee was a bad jungler, even died on Lizard I guess. Our Shen went afk... and we lost, was a totally fail game.
Of course someone tried to blame be, since I took a "useless support"... :V suuuure.

Didn't note how much rating I lost :-/

I do one game with a friend, we go bot with Ezreal.
And we had a good Malphite in team... his ulti is really the iWin button when used with brain.

Won, back up a bit! 1172 rating

One more game! Alone this time.
Olaf top, sounds good!, he was not. A total disaster.
But mid is the new champion, Syndra! I wonder how it is? An even greater fail.
No no wait, we have Nocturne! It's a good jungle choice, he'll gank often and.... NO. Just no. He didn't gank once in the entire game, was only farming and blaming the lanes for losing when they were ganked every minute.
-12 rating, 1160 ELO, DORKNESSSSSS!!!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

61th and 62th try - Clean up the mess

AAAARGH!! I've been so lazy lately.... I just continued creating drafts and never finished them. So now I must manage TONS OF DAM... err, tons of posts. They're so messy, I can't publish them as they are >.<

So, here we go!


I'm first pick. We got a Poppy top... weird choice but can be viable I guess, lets hope fo the best!!, it was so fail...Poppy couldn't focus, Zyra mid was horrible, Amumu was failing to initiate. I didn't do a mess, but still...

-14 ELO, 1161 rating, why is Poppy always fail? :(


Morgana free, noone picks her. Well... then I pick her as support o.o
Couldn't see that poor Morg free and all alone!
Our Sivir was the words carry I've ever laned with... (except thast Ezreal from yesterday). But somehow we managed to win at the end, guess she was learning to auto attack things after all.

+11 ELO, 1172 rating.... MEH :-/ 1 win, 1 lose and I've lost rating in the process? MEH!!! >.<

Monday, September 24, 2012

58th to 60th try - Moar lights

Sooo it's time to do more ranked games. I won't make it in time for the end of the gaming season, but I definitely want to go past 1150.
There's some confusion around roles... first pick Cho'gath seems to be going mid, but he goes top instead. Ahri mid, I pick Lux and go bot with Sivir. Enemy team has Ezreal, Gragas.... Riven Fiora and Mundo :V who's where???
Looks like they got Fiora Jungle, Riven top and Mundo support.
And we have Hecarim jungle... let's hope for the best.

WHOA! Cho'gath became 4/1 in the first 15 minutes. Then disconnected or left o.o AGH!
We were lucky that Support Mundo (can it even work?) was the failest Mundo I've ever seen, and theyr Ez was definitely average.
We won easily even if we were 4 vs 5. YAY!

+12 ELO, 1175 rating, too much top is not OP! (meh this was bad, ok :V)

I pick Lux as support, again. I have a Graves bot, sounds nice.
But our last pick is afk and random picks Vayne :(
I alt+F4 and leave, cannot tolerate who's afk from the beginning >.<

I'll just play some ARAM while I wait :)

Evening, I can play a match with my mate. Yahoo! He goes jungle Skarner, I choose Leona and go bot with Tristana. Enemy team has a weird GP mid :-/ who did well against our Vlad (so I guess it's somehow a viable choice).

OH MY O.O I looked like I was on steroids or something. I was doing surprisingly well and took several kills, too (ok, this isn't "well" but still... when there's no-one around it isn't a ks!)

We had some super nice fights and won, I enjoyed every moment of play. Our team mates were friendly too and it was a pleasure to play with them.

+13 ELO, 1188 rating... yay I highered my max rating!! :D 

Another match with my match. (Weee.)
We wanted to wait for more friends and do some ranked together, but everyone seemed to be away this evening.

Well, I go support Lux with Ezreal, my mate goes Jarvan top. We had a strange Fiddlesticks jungle, who did definitely well!
We were facing a Sivir / Blitz lane.
...that's what I wrote as a note for this match :-/ I remember him being out of position all the time and doing almost no damage (mostly because he was dead just before the team fight begins...)

-13 ELO, 1175 rating, it's true that the AD carry can alone win or lose a game :(

Friday, September 21, 2012

56th and 57th try - LIGHT BURNS!

Hi there! Support pls :)

It's my standard opening when playing ranked games.
Let's go!!
First pick picks Taric :V meh.... ok, I take lux and head mid, facing a Brand.
Or not... someone leaves :-/
I'm first!! Maybe if I don't ban Morgana I can pick her! Noes, they ban the girl. Hmmmm wise choice.
I take my favourite Lux and go bot with vayne, Facing the one of the new meta lanes Leona + Corki.
We should've lost... buy hey, I was listening to RAMMSTEIN. There's no way we could lose.

+12 ELO, 1151 rating... die Kreatur muss STERBEN!!

I go queue with a friend. We're training hard for bot lane... so we go Leona + Ezreal.
Looks like we're succeeding :-D's all thanks to the music, of course.

+12 ELO, 1163 rating... LIGHT BURNS!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

53rd to 55th try - "Just a quick match before work..." + a little thought

I went to work later today cause of some workers trying to improve my house, so I thought that I could do just a quick match before leaving home. must... resist.... ok, I failed.

It was so difficult to start a game :-/ many leavers, it took 5 minutes to finally go to the champion selection screen, and other 10 to start a game.
I also was experiencing several client bugs, such as champions disappearing in the selection screen, all bans credited to one team... it was only visual errors, though.
So, let's start the fail!

Meh. Our Garen top is failing hard vs Teemo. Also was always out of position and fed horribly. Besides, he was obviously flaming hard all game long, so it was really annoying.
Our Trundle jungle was really useless. Very few ganks, failing to counter jungle and feeding.
But our real nightmare was Blitzcrank. AP mid Blitz. On enemy team. Was killing everything in sight (and out of sight, thanks to the grab). We had a good lane bot (my Tristana took several kills), but our late game was horrible and our team lost.

-13 ELO, 1139 rating, dat AP Blitz!!

Ok, maybe it's not the right time to play Leona, I need to go back to my super defensive favorite one.
...I "won the support" and bot lane was fine, but everything else was failing so hard... enemy Brand and Vlad got fed and begun killing things AoE, our team wasn't focusing right and even though our Galio was good, we just didn't have team spirit anymore and lost.

-14 ELO, 1125 rating O.O ohmahgad so low!! STOPSTOPSTOPSTOP!!

I can't go to work without at least a single win >.< come on dudes, don't be fail this time too!!!
I was bot with Graves, facing a Blitz-Vayne lane. We avoided almost all grabs (and could escape to the ones that didn't miss). My Graves was smart enough to play aggressive or safe as it was needed, and we managed to do several kills.
But!!! The true winner was our jungler. It was the first time I ever saw Jayce jungle. He did an amazing job, putting pressure on all lanes and getting fed. Our Annie was also decent and the game was ours from the beginning. I think they just surrendered.

+14 ELO, 1139 rating, YAY for Jayce!


Now just a little thought... which support shall I take to "carry" the game? Supports don't carry, someone might say. True, but sometimes you clearly see that a Leona / Blitz / Nunu / is so good that killing everything near him is just easy.

I always focused in playing supports that are best in saving teammates (Janna, Soraka, Sona, Lulu), but that are not really beefy.

I'm training hard with Leona to improve myself lately, 'cause I see that the girl can make the difference in a teamfight. But I'm usually dying too much with her, even when we win, and that's bad.

This week I begun a hard training with Blitzcrank too. As many can see, a good pull can win a game. But it's so hard to have good grabs! Sometime I just pick their Ashe out of nowhere and we win, sometimes the bush gives me an Alistar instead :-/ I guess I'll just continue training hard in normals...

Another thing I thought I could do is going on with Lux. I think I can be pretty good with her, but I cannot build her as a true support, lacking much utility items. Good is, I can save my carry / win bot lane AND do massive damage / shields in team fights. Double cage is too good to be ignored. I'd need to give it a serious try, I only played her randomly in ranked games.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

51st and 52nd try - NEVER play on sundays...

After a full morning of refreshing sleep, I wanted to do a couple of games before going to my dojo.
1. Rankurrr! I'm First at picks :V I take Leona, I'm training hard with her lately.
Chat stays silent, is it a good sign?
Go a Varus bot vs a Alistar - Ezreal Lane. But he wasn't that great, and we was barely even... And at the end we lost badly T_T

-13 ELO, 1163 rating, uffff :( end of winning trail

I'm with a premade couple, they want to take bot so support is picked. Well maybe I could mid... no, someone before me picks Malphite and wants to mid. Ooook, I'm about to leave, don't really feel like jungling today... when suddenly Alistar tells me to go support and he would Jungle. Meh, ok.
Alistar isn't really hard to jungle with. But this guy was never ganking, didn't buy a single ward in all game (even when nicely asked to) and fed everywhere he was. DAAAAMN if u can't jungle just say it >.<

-11 ELO, 1152 rating, how can you even fail so hard with Alistar? :(


So I'm back at my original rating, vanishing the hope to pass through 1200 this wekend :(
NEVER play on Sundays!!!

I'm a bit nervous about these games cause I felt it wasn't really my fault that we lost them... but never mind, I'll just go to my dojo and practice some Aikido to find my inner peace again (and be ready to rage even harder next time).

Saturday, September 15, 2012

47th to 50th try - After highest ELO reset

Wee... I'm barely past 1150. That makes me silver :-/ even if at the lowest level.

Someone asks me to go Blitz or swap :-/ I almost never swap PGs do it in solo queue since I dont have many characters (and I always fear people being alt-tabbed or afk during swap time)...

No, I must lose hope; I must save my carrys!!!
Fuuuu Ziggs fed and went afk, Lee failed hard to jungle and wanted to afk too... T_T

-11 ELO, 1142 rating. Siiiii-iiigh maybe I should just stop here? :(

I pick Leona and head bot with Vayne, hoping she can play a little bit aggressive.
First game against Syndra. I don't even know what she can do :V *checking the champion spotlight while game loads*
My Vayne was really poor early. Couldn't play aggressive at all, and fed a bit too. Reaction timing was also bad. Our Olaf also fed a Kayle top, who begun to do quadra kills AoE after lane phase finished.
But... never give up! We brought the game to late phase, and in the end our Vayne regained her good shape. Our team play went also better and better and at the end we won :)

+11 ELO, 1153 rating, NEVER GIVE UP!

Ok, again!!!
At first I was really scared, 'cause our Ryze mid kept complaining about Cassio spamming her Q... and he was dying horribly every time :V "Hey mate, that's just how Cassio works... just avoid the poison" "Shut up its impossible to avoid!" "..."
He didn't ruin our game completely, and my  Ashe bot was good and was slowly getting fed. Eventually we won :)

+12 ELO, 1165 rating, nooooo the Poison! THE POISON! It's unavoidable!!

First pick... I take Leona (with arrogance).
Oooh I have a Corki! Love Corki, matches perfectly with my armored girl.
Our Olaf was afk for the first minutes :V so our Cho-gath was forced to top / jungle at the same time.

We were almost doomed. Vayne got fed bot T_T
Gragas was complaining about my objects, cause I didn't finish my build after 25th minute but was wearing just Merc Boots + Shurelia + HoG... sure dude, 'cause I keep spending TONS OF GOLD on oracles and wards all the time, that's why we have so much map awareness. GEEEEZ hate this guys >.< "you've got no build" - "you've got no kills noob" - "you've got no creeps" - That's because I'm a fucking SUPPORT, dammit!!!
This Grag was also boasting to me for always finishing his build with support Blitz at minute 30!
...well then you're supporting WRONG, dude -.-

After that I ignored them all and we begun to finally group up and do some team fights.... and we won. Oooooh! >.<

+12 ELO, 1176 rating, mute to win.

GG for now :D my weekly aD&D session awaits me!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

New season, same goal...

Ok, going out of the ELO-Hell zone (whatever it may be) was the primary objective of my ranked play. 
And  I really wanted to do this as a support, for two main reasons:
  1. 'cause I'm born to support. It's the role I like the most and for which I'm best suited. Plus, I'm not really performant in the other roles, though I can play decently as mid and not-so-terribly-bad as AD or jungler;
  2. to show that supports can be decisive in determining the fate of the game. All-shame and no-fame, the supporting role is always underestimated. Everyone praise who makes the kills, noone cares of the one who's busy avoiding horrible deaths to the party and preparing kills for the carry.

With the end of season 2 approaching, I have now a new (unrealistic) goal: to reach the gold tier. Which means over 1500 rating for solo queue. Starting from just over 1150, which is the lower Silver rank.

To show the world how powerful supports are?
To gain self-esteem and prove myself that I'm able to do it?
To have a new reason to motivate me doing ranked games and blogging of my daily failures?


...seriously, did you hear about the exclusive War Hero Janna skin? *_* 
Here you can find the complete summary of the new ranks and rewards for Season 2.
Janna is one of my favourite characters of all time, and even though I really like the Hextech skin (my very favourite, since I'm also a Steampunk lover), I'd gladly alternate her with another one.

Well, I'm very aware of my limits and know that this dream will not come true. But hey, Janna is too sweet not to give it at least a try!

So I'll be training hard and queuing for ranked every time I can.
Wish me luck. :<
Oh, and of course, if you happen to be on EUW server and want to boost a 1176 ELO scrub out of Hell... you're welcome XD

Edit: well, sure, I could always try and reach 1450 with my 5v5 team... but we have hard times playing together lately, we're too busy working / studying and can't be online at the same time :-/

Thursday, September 13, 2012

43th to 46 try - Two days of MEH :V

I continue doing ranked games saving just a few informations reguarding each match... when I come back to the post draft days later, I find it hard to reconstruct the original situation. :-/ However, here we go!

I pick Leona and head bot with a good Ezreal.
He's a bit chatty and finds the need to suggest me everything I could do to improve my playstile... but we played so well together that we decided to queue again after this one. So we added each other to friends and our failing begun. (He was also climbing up from around 1200 ELO).

+13 ELO, 1189 rating, new friends?

I must jungle (Maokai) because a fail mate random picked support while afk during champion selection -.-
And Alistar was banned.
And I don't know many other champs to jungle with, except made for Amumu (which was also banned) and Sejuani (but she's not my best either).
Our great afk Taric didn't buy a single ward in all game, stayed AFK half the time and was really, really bad. 0 map awareness, and the team was reacting really slow to ganks (and of course I wasn't brilliant, too) so we lost bad T_T

-11 ELO, 1178 rating, why being AFK during champion selection? GEEEZ!!

Ez and I decided to give it another try. But this time he asks me to play Sona. Weird choice, but ok... no no NO I'll never listen to others, ever!!!
He did nothing but smart talk all the (damn) game! Irelia and Amumu fed the enemy Jax top at the speed of light, our Morde failed mid against Swain, and we lost bot cause they were harassing harder than I could heal (and my mate Ez was taking all the buckshots he could in his face...)
Deleted from contacts ASAP. I really hate arrogant people who do nothing but talk all game, never admitting their own mistakes...

-11 ELO, 1167 rating, FFFUUUUUUU never again add someone from solo queue to friends >.<

Last one for today T_T since I dont want to lose much more ELO.
...of course I failed hard. This day was full of Morde and Amumu, 90% of which was just FAIL.
My Ezreal was getting grabbled and harassed all game long. Our GP failed hard top and continued feeding AoE.

-14 ELO O.o 1153 rating, siiiigh was just about to hit 1200 and am falling back into dispair instead.... T_T


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

37th to 42nd try - Better be nice

Still home from work, even though I miss my lab I'm glad that I can do some more ranked games.

I'm last at picks. Soraka banned o.o first time I see this choice. Maybe they'll go Karthus? Er... no.
Ryze, Ezreal, Lee Sin, Kayle, Janna vs. Kata, Shen, Leona, Olaf, Graves.
Good Ezreal I must say :)
+13 ELO,  1162 rating, Sweet Janna of mine!

I have the chance to duo queue with another friend ^^ so we play Ezreal + Janna bot.
5 skins vs 5 no-skins... I like these combos ^^ (Of course my team has skins... I'm totally graphic addicted. And Hextech Janna is too beautiful to lose!)

+11 ELO, 1173 rating, skinz winz!

Back to solo, they won't let me support, so I must jungle :-/ I take Alistar as usual.
We have Evelynn ap mid in enemy team O.o they say she's op. First time I've ever seen her.
OMG she rocks!! Our Diana mid was meh, our Warwick top was meh, but this Eve!! They were better than us, and ofc there was a lot of flame in chat.
-11 ELO, 1162 rating, OMG EVE BBQ!

Someone wants to pick mid AP Eve.... I'm totally with it, hoping it's the same guy from last game. But nooo, someone leaves -.-

Again, with the same guys, we have Eve mid vs Anivia
I support with Janna and must babysit a not-so-bad MF bot.
...why do I even try to play something else than janna? She's so damn good at everything!

+13 ELO, 1175 rating, I start liking AP Eve mid.

Super nice and cool people O.o all agree on which role to fulfill.
I take Janna and head bot with my Graves, which does not ahve heal cause of enemy's Tristana's ability
and prefers ignite instead.
We had a great game and the chat was very polite (incredible!!!) but we lost. A good jungler Shaco messed up our game from the very beginning.

-12 ELO, 1163 rating, I "like" to lose if there's no harass in chat!

Hello Fizz mid! Long time no see!
I got Corky to support and we're not that tanky, so I pick Leona.
They invade and after some good fighting they got FB.
We face Blitzcrank + Draven bot... Corki gives them a couple kills being grabbled early by Blitz. We fight a little in chat. But after then we see that both of us are good, and begin to day only "gj". I like it when the game goes this way :) don't realy want to fight with my AD.
Nice game, we were dominating almost all lanes and won early.

+13 ELO, 1176 rating, the Dawn has arrived!


Enough ranked for today... I'll go try this AP Evelynn mid :-) ...vs AI, of course! :p

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

32th try and beyond - No-stop fail

Today I was sick and stayed at home. To avoid sleeping all day and being unproductive, I planned to do a non stop ranked marathon. I didn't record all the games' data, saving just a few comments for every match.
Let's get started!

Everyone in chat seems nice and not flaming, we start the picks and everyone agrees on which role to fulfill.
Summoner 3 leaves.

Still no flame or complains, there must be something strange in the air.
We're Darius. Janna, Cait ,Shyvana, Gragas vs Ryze, Skarner, Ashe, Teemo, Leona.

As I said at the start: "Ban the fear Janna is here!" and so it's been :)

+11 ELO, 1125 rating.


We're Renekton, Mundo, Alistar, Caitlyn, Rumble (mid) vs  Ezreal, Xin, Blitz, Sion, Anivia.
We turned 0/7 in 10 mins... our jungler was just MEH. Fail mundo is fail o.o not only did he miss every single cleaver, but he took our blue, didn't gank before lvl 5 and was just roaming around the map, feeding the enemies now and then. All the lanes were doing bad, but this exceptionally failing jungler was just something wrong.

-11 ELO, 1114 rating, are you fucking kidding me??

No ban on kassadin! Mates flame, someone leaves.
I'm last and ask for support as usual.
We're Malph, Ez, Anivia, Nidalee, Leona vs Gragas, Graves, Blitz, Shyv, Maokai.

We were good, had fun times playing bot. Nidalee was pulverizing Shyvana top. We went to late game, and lost several team fights because of suiciding Anivia and Nidalee who were always engaging alone. Malph and I were so upset!!! "DON'T GO ALONE! Wait for us! WAIT FOR US!! Noooo dont engage!! Back back back BACK!!!" And they kept going alone :V
Eventually, Ezreal's quadra kill won us the game :)

+11 ELO, 1125 rating, tanks will be tanks.

Nothing to say, I was with a good Cait and we won our lane (and the game) easily.
I think we had Amumu jungle in enemy team, that's why I chose Janna. Was a good game.

+11 ELO, 1136  rating, why only 11 rating all of a sudden? Can't I go forth by 16-17 points every time? :-/

Kassadin not banned, enemy team picks Kassadin. Will our Cassio survive?
We'll never know, cause someone leaves.
Noone banned Morgana. Enemy has first pick. We're doomed!!! wait, they pick Cassio. And our mid can't play her :V WHAT???
I can't allow a game in which Morgana is free to play... without a Morg!
So I pick her as a support, and my mates are ok with it.
I was in lane with a good Tristana.
...OMG Morg support vs Blitzcrank and Vayne D: poor things!!!

+13 ELO, 1149 rating... Morgana!! Run for your lives!!!


Enough for today... I gained 35 rating in 5 matches :-/ I don't know if it's a good outcome or if it's pretty poor. I had fun, that's what really matters :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

30th and 31th try - Two hearts and a RAWRHGHRR!!!

Sunday evening, what a perfect time for a ranked game with my mate!

We're Leona (me) Yorick (mate) Graves Fizz Diana (the others).

Our Diana was really.... NO. Besides getting counterjungled all game, she was failing hard everything. 0 wards, feeding akali mid.... our Fizz was not bad but continued harassing and spamming in chat 24/7, so really annoying.
Also enemy team kept telling us to surrender and something about the gold they were gaining...  no-one focused their carry Ezreal, obviously, and we lost almost every team fight. Really bad game, was so frustrating that people seem to enjoy more insulting each other than trying to do their best and play.

-14 ELO, 1100 rating, roar!

We didn't play any more ranked that game, feeling that we could spend our time together in other ways.


The day after, I wanted to try my best and go for a ranked solo queue. Real solo this time.
First try, last one picks mid even when we needed a jungler, then leaves. Boh.

Second try, I pick Janna... enemy team was strange. They had a mid Nasus who left after a few minutes. At least all in the game were nice people. My carry (Ashe) even said "Good job supporting bro" :3
Faith in community: restored!

+14 ELO, 1114 rating, back to my usual rating :-/

Thursday, September 6, 2012

26 to 29th try - Home sweet home

Home sweet home!
I finally moved into my new home - which actually belongs to my mate's parents - but I'm living alone for now.
Moving took me lots of time, and I wasn't able to play properly for some weeks. I've done some ranked now and then, mostly with one of my IRL friends.
I noticed that summer brought an increased number of trolls... is the hot climate favolable to the reproduction of this annoying animal species? So it seems.

Long story short, I managed to due a few ranked, with suboptimal results. (Largely due to my lack of training...)


First one. I wanted to support but are forced to jungle instead. Bans and picks deprive me of my favourite junglecow, so I must pick my favourite pig instead. Sejuani, I choose you!

So we're Lux, Poppy, Sejuani, Nidalee, Graves vs. Jayce, Alistar, Orianna, Janna, Vayne

A truly, truly, truly outrageous Poppy top (which seemed to be on drugs or really lacking the use of her senses) lost us the game by being not only useless, but dangerous. Map awareness wasn't allowed in my team, and every gank failed miserably. We failed hard, and that's it.

Double trouble: a friend and I wanted to go bot, someone else asked to, so he headed top with Olaf and I took Alistar to jungle. Not really brilliant match, but we won.


Another ranked, this time we went bot together. He took Kog, I chose janna. Our jungle Evelyn went afk the whole time, meh. But our great Diana mid and our wonderful Malphite top were more that sufficient, and we won despite the lower number :)

1125 rating

Another bot lane! This time my friend chose Urgot. Well, it was fail, he didn't have much damage. I feel he's not bad, but excels in other carries, such as Kog or Ezreal. However, we all lost. Our team was failing and harassing 24/7. Really annoying (truly outrageous!)

1114 rating


That's all for a quick summary of my summer (almost fail) time :) now that fall is approaching, I hope to have more time to train harder my supporting skills.