Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer Duo

Ok, I've grown sick of premades. Time to BE part of them!
So, duo + George.
Grabs banned, we found it to be a successfull strategy.
He's FP and I'm last, as should be.
...LOL. I call support and someone picks Maokai support instead. Is it my "fault" for asking "support or mid"?
Sooo... I take morgana mid :-V let's hope for the best, I'm vs Ryze.
WHOAAAA. Ryze wasn't that good, and I did well in all game and for once the score proves it  XD
Our Udyr was good, extra aggressive, and our support maokai wasn't so bad at the end (despite the early fails).
42 LP :D

Forced to play Leona due to a fail change :-/
"I'll take the support for you"
"pick Nami or Janna"
*locks Leona*
I dont want to play Leona, not today :-/ I must be in the "right mood" for aggressive supports.
They instapick Janna ofc, and GG.
Useless Lee is useless.
21 LP

1 more, someone wants to support o.o again. OH COME ON! Noone EVER wants to support!
Ok, I go Morgana mid again vs Lux.
Not good as the previous morgana game but I was a good support Morgana XD Vayne took all the kills. It was a well fought match indeed, at the beginning we were sucking a bit (nothing special mid - enemy Ashe a bit fed) but later on we just shined in team fights :D
47 LP

Nami +Vayne... oooh thanks for the support role >.<
Yay!! We were facing a Soraka+Draven lane. They were good. We were better! Our Lux is not confident that we can win. WROOOONG :D
65 LP

Duo + Mewro, another one of my friends.
We're bot together, Ashe + Janna. One of those good Janna matches when the enemy juct can't touch your carry if it's you who protect him.
90 LP! \o/

Another duoQQ, always with Mewro.
Nami+Twich vs Ashe+Janna... I sense the karma is trying to tell us something.
Well, we OWNED them. YEAH!
100 LP

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ice Ice baby

Why do premades always ask for bot? o.o

I take Sejuani and go jungle... ye, 'cause it's the only role left :-/
Enemy first pick Kassadin. o.o Our mid counters with... Xerath. Will he be one of those pro Xer players or just a random dude who checked LoLcounter (if Xerath actually happens to be a counter to Kass, which I don't know...)
Well, so they're Leona Yorick Cait Naut Kassa vs Sej Xerath Cho Vayne Alistar.
Bot was a spanish premade. They had a bit of trouble at start, I babysit them a bit and they... well just rocked afterwards.
Xerath was actually good ^^ We pushed mid and won early without losing a team fight.
28 LP

And our last pick jungles.... Evelyn! When we dont have tanks. Never mind, he could just... no.
Jayce top was first pick. After a bit of bad game at the beginning, he started trolling, feeding and going randomly afk. I hate this kind of people.
My Miss Fortune was good but couldn't do anything against their good Irelia + AMAZING Lee Sin (really, GG)
I lost my will to play for today with this match T_T
9 LP

Again Janna! My Ashe wasn't bad. But my team throwed hard thanks to useless chasing and late feeding for their Akali.
0 LP

Another one, another Janna. I'm first pick, as last time.
No. God, no.
Our Xin was playing worse than a bot, and was engaiging alone in the worst moments.
Why ehrmagehrd jungler is *always* on my team? T_T
At the beginning he also sayd this was his 3rd account and doesnt have all runes and masteries.
Well... diamond smurf, I hope? I guess bronze V who had the other accounts banned  -.-

Duo with George, please take me out of here! >.<
Our jungle is Sion. Playing with teleport :V why do I have a bad feeling about this?
Well in fact he was failing hard and spent most of the time dancing with enemy Kha. It wasn't totally lost but he refused to play well and couldn't do much 4 vs 6.
Well, at least I felt much like Justicar Nami (New skin idea? Hmmmm).
Their Blitz was really good and my George kept falling in his arms >.<
astill 0 LP, silver V here I am again?

No, not again :V phew!
So, again with George. We decide to ban Thresh and Blitz XD avoid Hooks, win games.
Yeahhhh super fed Vayne + Janna vs poor Draven. Leona abandoned him after some minutes and crushing enemy team was super easy. I sense there was great flame in their chat...
Doesn't matter, had winz :<
18 LP, Silver IV keep me with you! Pretty please?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

I will survive!

Ok let's see. Back at Silver V, 75 LP, hopefully I can get back to promotion with 2 matches.

First one. Too many AP maybe, Fiddle jung and Kennen top... no, Fiddle goes mid and I go Janna bot with Graves. Ok.
YEAHHHHH we rocked :D they had a good Eve but with the most wide pink warding we totally crushed them :) my Graves was good and I made him fed, so we were able to carry hard despite their Kata + Eve burst.
My team also complimented me on my warding ^^ it's one of the best cheers for a support!
91 LP :)
Duo with my friend George.
There was a bit of confusion in the trades and the first pick took Nunu, but no-one wanted to play him jungle or top D: luckily I had Renekton to trade and played Nunu support. (I like him, it's not my best support but sometimes I do some good stuff.)
Vayne Nunu, I played bad at start but made up for that later :D
100! I'm in promotion for Silver IV again ^^"

First match. Janna + Draven... good! I usually love Draven players. Sure loved this one ^^
Annie was a monster o.o took some double kills when dived and was really scary. And beautiful. I mean, it was Reverse Annie if I recall correctly... cute and deadly, just the way I like them. Well she was maybe suiciding a bit but ok.
I managed to keep the team together, and by warding all the map I shut down Eve :) (little support glory moments)
1 won, 2 to go
Uh, enemy team is a pain in the ass :V
We have J4, let's hope for the best.
Hell no, I had a premade who was failing and... just... all the game was no. We had the worst Rengar ever, didn't see Rengar in a game for a long time and I wish it stayed so.

1 won 1 lost...let the last match decide.

Sooo... I found a smurf account asking for adc. I hope this is a good one.
HELL YEAH. That Draven was helping his friend get out of silver o.o
I also played well mid vs veigar ^^ I was 4/0 early. Well I played well, didn't carry the entire game but won my lane.... not bad.
2 won 1 lost, 0 LP, silver IV here I am again!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Night duo.

Not so cool as Batman & Robin. They're a real night duo. Me and my friend Betts... well are more likely the bad version of the first KickAss movie. He's better than me, of course ^^ he's the Batman. Or the HitGirl. Erf... back to the games, it's better.

Is it?

First match, Lee went afk after raging for no apparent reason (just a couple of early deaths from our team).
Morgana then refused to play 4 v 5 and went afk too.
It ended with 2 full reports and a fast loss :-(
0 LP

(Btw, did you see that score? ...yes. it went THAT bad.)


Another one, this time with Nami. Went better but we failed the last engage and they won :(
We were losing every lane but made up in the team fights, so I had some hopes about winning it >.< too bad.
still 0 LP... for how longer will I last in silver IV?

Last one for tonight, ready to go back to silver V.
I really don't know what to pick, so I take Lulu.
I don't know why, but this evening my entire team failed so hard every time... can it be due to the level difference between me and my fiend? He's GoldI, maybe we get matched with too high people and can't manage it.
So, ok, I'm again in silver V with 75 LP.
Should I quit playing with him until I reach at least GoldV? If I ever manage to get there, ofc ^^"

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Back up? Errrrr, well...

Let's start over again.
Janna + Sivir bot (he asked support but switched to adc gladly)... uhmmmmm.... I have bad memories about the Sivir players I recently met :-/ let's hope for the best anyway.
BLEARGHHH sivir really sucked :V I had to ask her to pop Caitlyn's traps with her shield, or she would have walked on them with a big smile on her face. GAH!! The pain!
Malz mid was bad too, losing vs Morgana, ulting her when she had Black Shield up... ye, you know the kind of players who are just too pro to look at these minor details.
Bot lane Thresh+Cait was decent-good, and even though I didn't die I couldn't manage to let my Sivir stay alive. Runnin' towards Thresh's hooks, steppin' on the traps, living in her world. Dead world I guess.
Still I played well -.- but can't do teh damages alone.
50 LP :(

Ok Janna + Tristana bot, this time vs Leona + Twich. I have a bad feeling about this...
Their Nunu was complaining in all chat all time (saying things like "report XXX or I report you all!")
...he was complaining 'cause apparently one picked Ryze top and they were 3 AP :-/ what's wrong with that? It may not be optimal but even at my rating I guess that personal skill and team spirit is still bigger than pick choices...
35 LP :V wooo I'm losing 15 points at a time... sigh!! And to think that I was so close to promotion!

Hmmm... a little mess up in chat, I don't understand someone called support for real and I pick Leona. Well it wasn't that bad at first... don't know what happened... we had a good early, lots of successful ganks from Nocturne, then our Ryze begun going solo and being caught by them.
And suddently there was a Cho'Gath so fed we couldn't take him down.
15 LP T_T

Another one, so I can go back to 0... :_:
On the verge of a nervous breakdown, I pick Taric.
GOSH. My Vayne was one of those players who does nothing but complain all game long in chat. She even said "Fail taric noob! Why didn't you pick blitz's grab for me??" Shut up pussycat e fammi un macchiato!
Despite the continuous complaining, it was a long and well-fought match, we lost the ending team fight... I am afraid to write this... at the very end, 'cause my mouse disconnected (I have a wireless mouse, 1 out of 100 games gives me problems. Guess what happened...) and didn't stun Cait in time. We could have won, maybe... or bayne bot anyway. As I forsaw, back to 0 LP. Yay!
Way to go to silver V again... o.o

Never give up!!!
Soooo my router fails at start, I was also firt pick obviously.
Guess it made me leave -.- let's see...
and that's how I end up at -3 LP :V FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-!!!!!!
Ok bot taken, I go mid. Morgana vs Diana. Good game *_*
I died 2 times late cause I forgot to press Zhonia in time :p but was with 0 deaths till the end
16 LP
Well that's all for today :V such a fail!! hope to go back up soon