Thursday, August 29, 2013

Geez I need to play!!

Hi there! Support/mid pref :)
Let it be JANNA. Hello, yes, this is Janna and I'm bot with this Insane Tristana O.o really aggressive!
Good jungler Hecarim, good team spirit, good presence... Good Game!
93 LP o.o
Another one.
And someone asks for support :-/ shall I go mid? Seems not... mid facing Fizz or bot facing Thresh?
"I can handle everything!" says Kennen. And goes mid.
And fails so hard, we had to handle a fed Fizz all game long. FUUUUUU-!
Also my team refused to buy wards with me and wanted to fight right after enemy team got Baron -.- soooo clever of them...
Too bad, 'cause their bot lane was kinda useless, but their Pantheon + Fizz did all the job -.-
81 LP :D yay win 30 and lose 12... me likes!

Wait wait WAIT.
WOOOO did u see that preview? Victorious Elise for gold players? ME WANTS!
(And that delicious victorious ward skin? Yay!!)

I must play. Let's go!
Gah, we fed a bit Ez bot but Zyra was dominating mid vs Brand. Really well fought match, we didn't lose hope and at the end with good team fights and good team spirit we won :) yay!! I must admit I did an AMAZING job kiting and disabling. u.u but the victory wasn't decided until the very end.
And it's promotion time!!

First match, I'm last pick, I take Janna ofc.
We dominated every lane, except a bit top cause Trynd was dyslexic :p and couldn't use his ulti properly.
First game, won!
Second one...
I was FP, one leaves, I re-queue and I'm last pick ^^"hope this brings good luck :)
Well, it seems I'm going to play with a "team of mains".
"LB is my main!"
"Cait is my main!"
"ell, Janna is mine... so let's roll!
And so we did. Well to be honest LB didn't shine early but made up for that later.
Second game, also won!

One step closer to my victoious skin :<

Friday, August 16, 2013

End the summer lazyness

Whoa I played like 2 games in last month :-/
Time to go back into the League and try climbing out of this Silver III.
Well, I just got promoted, so I guess the road will be very long T_T
I proise to do at least 2 games a day.
Well, 0 LP and "nothing" to lose. Let's see what happens.

First try, someone leaves.
Second try, I'm first pick and take Janna.

WOAH. I really did some good supporting, my Tristana was easily fed, and every lane was dominating... thanks to our jungler Jarv :) They surrendered early. Dat perfect Janna match!
31 LP O.o

Second match, they have blitz support :-/ hm. I don't really feel like going tanky, tho... I pick Nami and hope for the best.
They got a pretty annoying AoE comp :-/ Kennen Morgana Amumu Blitz... oh and Vayne.
We've got akali and fizz... assassins ftw. I think we'll just die, die, die.
Let's see.
Was actually a good one :D we were even in early game, but mid to late we were just DOMINATING. Ashe was reeeally good and carried us to victory :-)
But most importantly, my team was *really* friendly. I mean, like, for real.
"Oh sorry that was my fault"
"My bad"
"Np at all"
"Sorry for ks, wasn't intentional"
"Don't worry"
A PLEASURE to play with. Our team spirit WON the game :)
O.O really? I keep going up 30 at a time? Niii~iice!
63 LP

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Prom games

Ok, this is my second promotion to Silver III... let's hope it to be the last one ^^

First match.
Duo + George with his well-kniown Vayne.
Yeah, we almost lost it at the very beginning and our Udyr kept disconnecting all the time... but then I toldm George "Aww, we'll lose this. Goodbye Silver III" and he said something like "Oh, you're in promotion? No problem, let's win this." ...And we did :D We had a better team spirit and won :)

Ok, summer holidays happened in the meanwhile, around 2 weeks passed from my last promotion game :-/
My friend Mewro offered to help me :) ANNNND.... goes Mid with Nida.
My Cait was decent, nothing brilliant but decent. We were facing a jungle master Yi who, thanks to the rework, was build like an ADC and had the alpha strike power of an old AP Yi. Seriously, what were you thinking? :V
GOSH!!! Our jungler Vi was the worst player I ever met :V so annoying! He was decently good at playing but kept harassing us, writing in caps in chat, taking all the buffs for himself saying that we should be thankful for being carried o.o well... just a terrible player to be in team with. Of course later in the game he also started charging the enemy and leaving us behind, then blaming us for not being there. WTF? I cannot jump behind the enemy's lines and go further away with just a couple of abilities... please. I have a tail. I swim.
Long and weird match, but at the end we won. Thank you Mewro for going through this HELL of a game with me :V really really appreciated.
W/W, Silver III here I come!