Seriously. I like what Riot is doing - giving the old champions a gorgeous new look - but, seriously.
I made fun of the Victorious Elise human appearance - and I like it, though.
How do you expect me to stay still when the new Sivir is just so... so... unbalanced?
I'm not talking about her new ability set.
Nor the in game skin, her VU looks absolutely gorgeous IMHO.
But what about that splash art that has been released in PBE?
Of all the epic battle positions you can imagine...why has it to be the Flamingo Battle Stance? :V
Why are her buttocks higher than her head? Why does his leg reming me of an old Soraka art with a banana elbow? I thought we were over this banana thing.
Talking seriously for a moment... the picture isn't so bad. But I feel that the new "tough adult woman" Sivir concept isn't well expressed in this art. No tough woman would bend like this in battle, showing both her breasts and her rear end at the same time :-V and no warrior would throw a giant boomerang weapon with only one foot barely touching the ground.
Sigh, I know where this is going... I'll have to buy that Princess Warrior Sivir skin to get rid of this splash art. GG Riot, you won again!! >.<
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
AFTER SEASON ELISE X (aka Victorious Elise)
I must "thank" my job for abandoning me in these months, so I could train a lot and manage to reach gold.
Joking aside, well, yes: I was home from work for 6 months due to a deep crisis in the company I work for. Eventually - thanks to the hard work of our boss and all us employees - we were able to rise again from our ashes.
Next week I'll go back to my office and lab, and will have less time to play LoL - but more money to live.
It was a nice time, though, 'cause I wasn't in serious money shortage and could enjoy the summer like the old times, when I was a school girl: doing simple things, visiting my parents and granny, riding my old bike, even sunbathing at the local shore ^^
(And of course playing LoL all night long and sleeping all morning!!)
In the meanwhile the new Victorious Elise skin has been revealed.
I love that spider form!! And spiderlings, too!!
I know it's just a beta-release, and could be subject to changes... anyway, the human form somehow bothers me.
It seems so... like... if.... huh? You know...
Come on, you can't deny it. Just take a closer look... I proudly present you:
Enough vent for today, let's go back to the games. Last game as a (currently unemployed) researcher.
Nida support. Oh great :-/ and I'm Morgana mid vs Fizz. GREAT T_T
Well I gave him one early kill due to lack of mana :( but then I was superior, didn't get much kills but did a good job in some team fights. Our team wasn't flaming and all went great at the end... enemy team surrendered early!
Well it could have been, just maybe, 'cause of our Cait who was 8/0 in the first 15'.
But I think we won due of my spectacularly mediocre performance! \o/
100 LP, it's promotion time!! ...when will I be able to play those games, anyway? Doesn't matter, had job :<
Joking aside, well, yes: I was home from work for 6 months due to a deep crisis in the company I work for. Eventually - thanks to the hard work of our boss and all us employees - we were able to rise again from our ashes.
Next week I'll go back to my office and lab, and will have less time to play LoL - but more money to live.
It was a nice time, though, 'cause I wasn't in serious money shortage and could enjoy the summer like the old times, when I was a school girl: doing simple things, visiting my parents and granny, riding my old bike, even sunbathing at the local shore ^^
(And of course playing LoL all night long and sleeping all morning!!)
In the meanwhile the new Victorious Elise skin has been revealed.
I love that spider form!! And spiderlings, too!!
I know it's just a beta-release, and could be subject to changes... anyway, the human form somehow bothers me.
It seems so... like... if.... huh? You know...
Enough vent for today, let's go back to the games. Last game as a (currently unemployed) researcher.
Nida support. Oh great :-/ and I'm Morgana mid vs Fizz. GREAT T_T
Well I gave him one early kill due to lack of mana :( but then I was superior, didn't get much kills but did a good job in some team fights. Our team wasn't flaming and all went great at the end... enemy team surrendered early!
Well it could have been, just maybe, 'cause of our Cait who was 8/0 in the first 15'.
But I think we won due of my spectacularly mediocre performance! \o/
100 LP, it's promotion time!! ...when will I be able to play those games, anyway? Doesn't matter, had job :<
Friday, October 11, 2013
Sugar rush 2 (in late we trust)
Let's gank, gank gank!
(I don't know why I wrote this, didn't even pick jungler o.o)
Uhm we had a good Ez and we won a Graves + Fiddle lane... but later their tf were superior, therir Nasus was a real nightmare.
I also won the Ward War early >.<
Good constructive criticism in chat btw.
It was a nice game, wp although we lost at the end :)
21 LP
Duo with my boyfriend, it usually never happens ^^ we usually play separated.
He usually plays jungler, so we're jungle Nasus + support Nami.
Game starts and... GOSH I don't have the biscuit o.o wtf?
I still have the masteries for Sejuani which I used in last normal game D: well I was a super tanky support, anyway.
Uhhhh what a game :D their Urgot had just too much damage and was so tanky, it was difficult to lane vs him early!
At the beginning there were some failing team fights mid, for no apparent reason :V
Then something went better, but we were still still lower overall.
The we begun taking objectives with the famous ADC and APC splitpushing techniques :V
At the end we fought at Baron a couple of times, and in a the last tf I was cleaning wards with my team and got caught by the entire enemy team by our blue (we were on blue side) and died instantly.
Too bad that in their ambush they used all their ultis on me, so even if the fight begun 4 v 5 we had a good advantage and the narrow space between solid terrain and bushes was too good for our Nasus + Malz + Twich comp... so I "sacrificed" and we aced them :) there was 1' of time and we pushed up to their nexus and won... woooo gg!!!!
43 LP
Another duo + bf, we waited more than 5 minutes to get in queue :-/ I guess it is due to some rank difference.
Our mid goes AD Tristana o.o lol? Hope he knows what he's doing.
They had this support Annie thing, so annoying!
All lanes were losing, maybe except for mid, how strange ^^.
Tristana was blaming me for staying behind o.o while all the others were being harassed by Corki and Malz. Suuure I'll get in the front without a tank by my side and get one-shotted by some sort of stun, why dont you blame me some more? :V Ofc, blame the jungler or the support.
28 LP
I must go mid, i take Morgana.
Hmmm it was a mediocre game, our Annie support having as many kills as me ^^"
I shouldn't have played mid today :-(
We got outplayed and lost, gg!
12 LP
Diana flaming!
Olaf feeding!
What a game :V
My Kog was good, but their bot was superior: Draven + Thresh, massive burst and good lane presence. Plus they did a good gank from Lee (lantern in bush behind them, sudden wild Lee Sin appears!) and we totally lost the lane ^^
0 LP
"Pref supp, mid or jungle, not really good as top or adc :)"
And... jungle Sej.
What's with this bot GP + Talon thing o.o
Oh, I got it. They were using the stack items bug, both building a Sword of the Occult and getting too much damage to be countered. Well I reported them afterwards but was thankful that for one time they were on my side and not on enemy's team :V
Well tbh we didn't win because of them alone. Our Nasus top was free farming and left the lane as a giant AD god :D our Ori was also good and I escaped with 10 hp too many times :)
21 LP
Nobody fighting for their role? Yay!
Ouch they got Corki :V I'm gettin sick of Corkis everywhere. This trends must come to an end! Well we got Cait + Janna, I hope this helps.... aaaand Corki's countered :) no harass, no Valkyrie, no farm thanks to Cait :D annnd we won!
43 LP
Hmmm I feel this game will be a huge NO.
Vayne + Nami vs Leona + Cait.
We were dominating the lane early, but vayne went back during an engage and I got caught and gave them FB :'(
Our entire team was 0/7 at 10'.
But we won't let them take us down!!
That's what we kept saying to ourselves :D (and writing in chat, too).
Nasus + Vayne + Riven: too good to be ignored :)
Nami + Fiddle (jung) ulti matched perfectly :D
It was a a good thing to keep team spirit up and trust in late ;) 'cause we totally won!!
65 LP
Hmmm their Singed vs Our Jax :V so it's about late game monsters... ok.
I'm supporting a strangely good Lucian :) vs Cait +Sona lane.
Despite the early flaming with Jax the late game was good, we had good Zac and Zack XD and took two barons uncontested.
Sona was annoying with her warding but didnt buy oracle and... whohohoho my dear, oracle > pinks.
Wooo another victory :D
88 LP and in spree!
(I don't know why I wrote this, didn't even pick jungler o.o)
Uhm we had a good Ez and we won a Graves + Fiddle lane... but later their tf were superior, therir Nasus was a real nightmare.
I also won the Ward War early >.<
Good constructive criticism in chat btw.
It was a nice game, wp although we lost at the end :)
21 LP
Duo with my boyfriend, it usually never happens ^^ we usually play separated.
He usually plays jungler, so we're jungle Nasus + support Nami.
Game starts and... GOSH I don't have the biscuit o.o wtf?
I still have the masteries for Sejuani which I used in last normal game D: well I was a super tanky support, anyway.
Uhhhh what a game :D their Urgot had just too much damage and was so tanky, it was difficult to lane vs him early!
At the beginning there were some failing team fights mid, for no apparent reason :V
Then something went better, but we were still still lower overall.
The we begun taking objectives with the famous ADC and APC splitpushing techniques :V
At the end we fought at Baron a couple of times, and in a the last tf I was cleaning wards with my team and got caught by the entire enemy team by our blue (we were on blue side) and died instantly.
Too bad that in their ambush they used all their ultis on me, so even if the fight begun 4 v 5 we had a good advantage and the narrow space between solid terrain and bushes was too good for our Nasus + Malz + Twich comp... so I "sacrificed" and we aced them :) there was 1' of time and we pushed up to their nexus and won... woooo gg!!!!
43 LP
Another duo + bf, we waited more than 5 minutes to get in queue :-/ I guess it is due to some rank difference.
Our mid goes AD Tristana o.o lol? Hope he knows what he's doing.
They had this support Annie thing, so annoying!
All lanes were losing, maybe except for mid, how strange ^^.
Tristana was blaming me for staying behind o.o while all the others were being harassed by Corki and Malz. Suuure I'll get in the front without a tank by my side and get one-shotted by some sort of stun, why dont you blame me some more? :V Ofc, blame the jungler or the support.
28 LP
I must go mid, i take Morgana.
Hmmm it was a mediocre game, our Annie support having as many kills as me ^^"
I shouldn't have played mid today :-(
We got outplayed and lost, gg!
12 LP
Diana flaming!
Olaf feeding!
What a game :V
My Kog was good, but their bot was superior: Draven + Thresh, massive burst and good lane presence. Plus they did a good gank from Lee (lantern in bush behind them, sudden wild Lee Sin appears!) and we totally lost the lane ^^
0 LP
"Pref supp, mid or jungle, not really good as top or adc :)"
And... jungle Sej.
What's with this bot GP + Talon thing o.o
Oh, I got it. They were using the stack items bug, both building a Sword of the Occult and getting too much damage to be countered. Well I reported them afterwards but was thankful that for one time they were on my side and not on enemy's team :V
Well tbh we didn't win because of them alone. Our Nasus top was free farming and left the lane as a giant AD god :D our Ori was also good and I escaped with 10 hp too many times :)
21 LP
Nobody fighting for their role? Yay!
Ouch they got Corki :V I'm gettin sick of Corkis everywhere. This trends must come to an end! Well we got Cait + Janna, I hope this helps.... aaaand Corki's countered :) no harass, no Valkyrie, no farm thanks to Cait :D annnd we won!
43 LP
Hmmm I feel this game will be a huge NO.
Vayne + Nami vs Leona + Cait.
We were dominating the lane early, but vayne went back during an engage and I got caught and gave them FB :'(
Our entire team was 0/7 at 10'.
But we won't let them take us down!!
That's what we kept saying to ourselves :D (and writing in chat, too).
Nasus + Vayne + Riven: too good to be ignored :)
Nami + Fiddle (jung) ulti matched perfectly :D
It was a a good thing to keep team spirit up and trust in late ;) 'cause we totally won!!
65 LP
Hmmm their Singed vs Our Jax :V so it's about late game monsters... ok.
I'm supporting a strangely good Lucian :) vs Cait +Sona lane.
Despite the early flaming with Jax the late game was good, we had good Zac and Zack XD and took two barons uncontested.
Sona was annoying with her warding but didnt buy oracle and... whohohoho my dear, oracle > pinks.
Wooo another victory :D
88 LP and in spree!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
The golden age ( it, anyway?)
Well I feel a lot more relaxed playing ranked, now that I've reached my final goal :) ...well, "final" for now at least. Sweet Elise skin, I can't wait to have you!! I also had my "Blossom" skin refunded, I bought it when it was on sale, it was of course right before the announcement of the S3 rewards ^^
Well let's go up a bit and prove that I fit in my rank.
First game, wanna try Lux (support ofc)... very long game and well played too, if I remember correctly. They were a lot more tanky than us and did stomp us late :) had fun though! GG
0 LP
Second game! It's Blitz this time. Hope I did not turn to be an occasional grabber :V last time I picked Blitz it was in normal and I was ok.
They have a weird AP comp Syndra top + TP and Fiddle support (well thats not weird at all, just not so common at my rank).
Ok... no... thay had this super-effective Maokai jungler vs our super-lame Xin :p also Fiddle support was rally good.
We were all overally lower and lost at the end :) GG!
0 LP
Zyra, + Ashe it is!
Now that I am gold I must train in all the supports I like :< and not only play Nami and Janna, which became my main characters this season....
Aww it was a well fought game but we lost anyway :)
LOL!!! Enemy team had this GP top who wasn't doing anything weird and wasn't strong, and they said "report GP for streamibng!!" XD weirdest report request ever! They were saying that this GP was commenting his stream with witty comments about his teammates who were in fact carrying him :-/ LOL!
Still 0 LP... but having fun :D
Ok, let's win something.
I must pick Nami and go bot with Vayne who was playing safe early... YAY farmed Vayne destroys teams :D
We did some bad engages but were a good team overall.
Ashe + Sona early were super aggressive but couldn't manage to kill us ^^
Their Veigar was good and we wasted some time early with random fights in the jungle :-/ luckily we managed to make up for that later.
22 LP :)
Wooo I have the chance to support a good Tristana :)
Enemy mid Annie was good, our team had Ahri who did fail a bit early.
Good thing we were polite all the game, and despite some early difficulties we managed to group up and interact well and eventually win the game :) yay!
43 LP
Well it seems like I must played what I'm skilled with to win games... yes, yes, I hear you: "you don't say!!" :V
Well, Nami FB + double kill early. My adc wasn't really good tbh, but they weren't so great either.
Oh god. Why do they think AP Nida is always a good choice top? We had to face a Tryndamere who was so fed that could kill our entire team almost alone.
With some good stuns we could have won, but we continued but randomly throwing the game 'cause of infinite jungle chases and not taking objectives :-/ sometimes I think that pinging and writing in chat what to do just isn't enough.
28 LP
Platinum and diamond smurfs premade bot? God let this be true. Don't let it be a failing duo as always!!
Well, it seems they're actually good V every lane dominated and I felt a little useless 'cause ganks weren't really necessary. So I roamed the map farming and warding, and ganked when someone was pushed (which was very rare, turrets went down really early)
Go go boar lady!! XD Smooth victory.
Btw there was this funny chat about reporting our "support" Rengar cause he was last pick and the only male champ in a female-characters-only team.
Which reminded me of Siren :V gah, such a fail commercial!
I'm a boar!
40-something LP
Varus + Nami bot, no platinum premades this time.
Disaster :V
Switching lanes all the time, they pretty much stomped us.
36 LP
Well let's go up a bit and prove that I fit in my rank.
First game, wanna try Lux (support ofc)... very long game and well played too, if I remember correctly. They were a lot more tanky than us and did stomp us late :) had fun though! GG
0 LP
Second game! It's Blitz this time. Hope I did not turn to be an occasional grabber :V last time I picked Blitz it was in normal and I was ok.
They have a weird AP comp Syndra top + TP and Fiddle support (well thats not weird at all, just not so common at my rank).
Ok... no... thay had this super-effective Maokai jungler vs our super-lame Xin :p also Fiddle support was rally good.
We were all overally lower and lost at the end :) GG!
0 LP
Zyra, + Ashe it is!
Now that I am gold I must train in all the supports I like :< and not only play Nami and Janna, which became my main characters this season....
Aww it was a well fought game but we lost anyway :)
LOL!!! Enemy team had this GP top who wasn't doing anything weird and wasn't strong, and they said "report GP for streamibng!!" XD weirdest report request ever! They were saying that this GP was commenting his stream with witty comments about his teammates who were in fact carrying him :-/ LOL!
Still 0 LP... but having fun :D
Ok, let's win something.
I must pick Nami and go bot with Vayne who was playing safe early... YAY farmed Vayne destroys teams :D
We did some bad engages but were a good team overall.
Ashe + Sona early were super aggressive but couldn't manage to kill us ^^
Their Veigar was good and we wasted some time early with random fights in the jungle :-/ luckily we managed to make up for that later.
22 LP :)
Wooo I have the chance to support a good Tristana :)
Enemy mid Annie was good, our team had Ahri who did fail a bit early.
Good thing we were polite all the game, and despite some early difficulties we managed to group up and interact well and eventually win the game :) yay!
43 LP
Well it seems like I must played what I'm skilled with to win games... yes, yes, I hear you: "you don't say!!" :V
Well, Nami FB + double kill early. My adc wasn't really good tbh, but they weren't so great either.
Oh god. Why do they think AP Nida is always a good choice top? We had to face a Tryndamere who was so fed that could kill our entire team almost alone.
With some good stuns we could have won, but we continued but randomly throwing the game 'cause of infinite jungle chases and not taking objectives :-/ sometimes I think that pinging and writing in chat what to do just isn't enough.
28 LP
Platinum and diamond smurfs premade bot? God let this be true. Don't let it be a failing duo as always!!
Well, it seems they're actually good V every lane dominated and I felt a little useless 'cause ganks weren't really necessary. So I roamed the map farming and warding, and ganked when someone was pushed (which was very rare, turrets went down really early)
Go go boar lady!! XD Smooth victory.
Btw there was this funny chat about reporting our "support" Rengar cause he was last pick and the only male champ in a female-characters-only team.
Which reminded me of Siren :V gah, such a fail commercial!
I'm a boar!
40-something LP
Varus + Nami bot, no platinum premades this time.
Disaster :V
Switching lanes all the time, they pretty much stomped us.
36 LP
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