Thursday, October 25, 2012

Who supports the Support?

I just finished arranging all the notes I left about the past games, so I guess I can take some time to do a  little consideration. (WARNING! WARNING! WALL TEXT ALERT!!)

I played a lot as support, and even though I am not the best player who you can find around, I am able to distinguish a good work from a bad work. And in some games I can say that the bot lane was won mainly cause I did a good job supporting our AD carry. I really don't want to sound arrogant, 'cause I know when I do mistakes - and I do them often, that's why I'm stuck at low rating.

But sometimes - let's say in 1 every 10 or more games -  I can proudly say that bot lane was won / the carry got fed / a team fight switched to our advantage- mainly 'cause *I* did a really good job. Could it be by saving the carry, disupring a bad initiation, throwing a shield - heal exactly at the right time, letting a gank fail, keeping good vision all over the map at all times (mostly all of these things together, or I couldn't have a good impact on the situation).

And even if I'm the only one to think that I was crucial to the situation, this keeps me wanting to play supports. 

My work goes usually unnoticed, expecially during team fights when there's a lot of mess around. And obviously everyone (me too) compliments the carry, the one who makes the kills. Sometimes my carry applauds me with a "gj" if we do something nice early in the game, but after that usually forgets about me. I play supports 90% of the time, but the people who thank me for my good work are a minority. I'm not thinking of flamers, arrogant ones, trolls etc, but even people who appears nice and kind simply looks at who makes the kills, and cheers at them. It's just natural, 'cause there's a large sign in the center of the screen saying "Whooohoooo he killed him! He's so strong, come on let's cheer at him!!". And that's what I do too, it's somewhat their job to do kills so we're happy if they do.

Now that this honor thing is out, it's even more clear that support's role has a low consideration. I try to be friendly all time of course, but that's just my attitude. (If I'm mad at someone, I usually ignore him.)
After a good game, when I feel like I've done really good and take some time to thank with honor the teammates who are deserving it, I expect a small token of recognition from my team. Well, it isn't so common. Ok, then, maybe people aren't used to this honor thing yet, or just don't want to spam honor at all.
But i see my friends receiving honor when all they've done was doing kills, and having an amazing score. Ok, this can be... but I know some of them instalock a lot, and I really don't feel like they're friendly all the time. They're my friends, I play with them and I know how they usually behave -  they're not jerks at all, but are definitely not saints.

Yes, a bit. Why, it is wrong? I just would like to have my work appreciated, as the others do. When I do a good job, of course.

In my experience this honor thing just pointed out more that supports are ignored by the large majority of players. Come on dudes, don't marginalize supports! Care about them too, don't think at them as automatic wards vending machines. Or as self-propelled healing stations. Shout some "gj" when they save your running asses, thank them when they die in your place, don't let their good actions pass unnoticed!

Support your supports!

They'll make you live longer. ;-)

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