Thursday, January 31, 2013

End of the preseason

So the games I did this week are the last ones before season 3 begins.
Quick recap (I didn't manage to do many games, though)!

Random1: "mid pls"
Me: "hi there, support pls"
Random2: "shall we make setup instad of screaming lanes?"
Me: "LANES!!!!"
Random1: "ok, i would love to play mid its what i do best"
Random1: "DONE"
Random1: "can i go home now teacher? :/"
Me: "My main role is support so I really wish to play bot with a good ad carry."
Me: "But "SUPPORT" is faster and clearer in solo queue ^^"
Random2: "ok i suck at adc rest is fine for me"

...and after losing time in chat, he screamed out "fuck! shit!" and picked Cait 'cause he didn't notice that Graves was already out XD lolz!
...eventually he changed his pick in time and went mid :p
(If you really have to preach, please at least pay attention to the discussion! XD)

Good bot lane, my Graves was 4/0 at 4' minute... but then (happens a lot to me in these days) we completely throw the game due to bad positioning. Sigh. I try my best trying to keep the team together and coordinate them, but my efforts were in vain :-( enemy jungle is much more attractive then a safe lane with all your teammates.

1137: if you want to win games, stay together (at least in team fights!)


Yeee we can pick Malphite as FP!
...but one of our team leaves o.o wut?

Next game I pick Nunu to support our Varus. Just wanted to pick something tanky, I don't have much feeling with Taric and Leona was already picked.
Ooooh incredible! We won! Well fought match, this time someone listened when I told them to group up, at least for dragon and enemy buffs. It's something! \o/
1155 rating, thanks big bro Nunu.

Some days have passed, I have some time to practice.
We have Graves, I don't really want to pick tanks this time, so I take Janna.
Almost perfect match.
We were 10/3 at 13'.
I played well, but nothing special compared to what I usually do.
I used a simple flash + shield to save our Kata who was dying from Brand's burning damage... and she was like: "OMG!! OMFG!!! Dude you are awesome!! OMG!!! THIS JANNA!!!"
Poor thing o.o what do your supports usually do?
I managed to save her from sure death another couple of times, and she wanted to marry me.
Could've had perfect stats, but Pantheon used his ulti to kill me as I was low under turret. I killed him right after. Revenge for ruining my perfect score :< (just kidding of course, just picked the kill by mistake XD but was kinda funny)

1172, it's good to be someone's hero, at least for one game :)


Ranked queues disabled! Season 3 is coming. Preseason did not go as well as I expected, but I have good hopes that the new season will be more successful.
At least the last matches I did were 2 wins :')

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Double IP weekend? You mean, double FAIL weekend.

I came back home saturday night after a full-martial arts-training day, so I was a bit tired but still wanted to take full advantage of my ip boost weekend.


"I'll carry you np I'm smurfing!"
Says our NASUS O.O
Akali mid had suicidal tendencies and fed their Ziggs really hard.
I am really glad to lose games that could easily be won just by avoiding some useless suicide -.-

1229 rating - Suicide FTW

Masochistic Emos? Masochistic Emos!
Weren't we supposed to be around 1200 rating? Why are here people with ZERO wins and who clearly don't know how to play?? Like my Cait, who couldn't even last hit and walked without any fear into full enemy team.

1214. And sigh.
Last one with Lux :( I ended up with good scores, but can't turn the sides of the game all by myself.
I must go mid o.o enemy team picks Akali.
He said:
"lolol ty for free kills mid"
...and not a single kill was given that day. Not to her arrogant ass. Instead, I killed her 2 times. Then team fights begun and I was the only one doing damage :V
Bot fed like hell, we had Tristana and Soraka. They were dying constantly and blaming the team for losing the lane (...).

1196. Poor Lux! It's not you, babe! You're fine as always :'( look at the (former) pretty scores you had, despite the loss!

No more tards in team. Pretty please? ;__;
I pick Zyra and head Bot with MF.
Will we have a good team? No, Monkeys everywhere. Plus, this time I was also failing bot, so I got even more depressed about the whole thing T_T
No way we can win :( why? Matchmaking!! Y U NO FAIR??

1178, oh COME ON I don't really belong here :( 
Enough for tonight.

Sunday morning... Yeeee an average-good Cait :D she even placed traps and lasthitted minions!
We were facing a good Fiddle on enemy team, but was the only one who did his job well. Poor guy, I totally understand him :(

1194 go-go! Back over 1200! >.<

"what adc do you play?"
"just pick your support" o.o
So we go bot Graves + Taric.
Scumbag Graves >.< didn't know how to play his role. Plus, he was really slow on everything and had absolutely no map awareness.
Also, Jayce was feeding hard irelia top and our AP Yi lost the lane to enemy Annie.

1177 ...why me? Why??
Free Malphite!!
I pick Lux, won't pick Taric with Graves since I don't trust carries anymore. Let's say, at least for today.
Oh it was so lost :( Olaf got fed so hard!!

1158, back into proper Hell, almost lost any hope.

Ooooh got matched with an average-good adc! I almost can't believe my eyes!
Enemy support (Koi Nami) was actually good, but couldn't do much. A smooth victory.

1175... it's something ._.


"Forced" to go mid, I pick Morgana. We had an easy early and I won my lane without problems (vs Kennen)... but no, why win when you can lose instead.

I am TIRED of teammates throwing the game by roaming alone in enemy jungle, while opposite team is always together. "Group up!" "yes idd man" - dies alone facechecking a bush.

1157 Can't even carry :(

9 games: 7 losses and 2 wins.

Man I am really depressed right now T_T can't I turn the tides of a game by playing supports?
In these moments I lose all my faith in the LoL matchmaking system... I will never climb out of elo hell at this rate.

Friday, January 25, 2013

No, no, yes.

Simple as that :)

Dancing Lee Sin was dancing with enemies. Literally.
He decided that our game was lost around min 15, and begun chatting with enemy team and dancing with enemy Annie. Instead of helping us all, who were trying to come back from a bad start. And we could succeed, if it weren't for that Lee.
He even tried to act smart, flaming us in team chat and being a good guy in All chat. JERK!!!
Annie even found it cool that an enemy was spending so much time chatting with her. I could agree if he wasn't totally useless all the game long. And it was a 50 minutes game, so we could've won it eventually if it wasn't for him.
Even forgot to record my elo :V

I must go mid. NP, I pick Morgana! Still rusty with mids, so I don't grab many kills who go to our jungler instead. We won early game easily, but completely throwed our win due to a suiciding bot lane (Ez + Leona), 90% premade, who thought it was a good idea to just go alone in the enemy jungle, looking for team fights 2 vs 5.
Why suicide this way? I hate people who get bully and think they can do a pentakill alone >.<

1231 rating :( don't suicide guys!

I ask for support or mid. Support Lux! Ooooh finally a good match T_T thanks! I had a decent Graves bot and we won the lane and the game.
+ 15, 1246 rating.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tryhards and happy endings

Another week of me being a tryhard. :<

I know I said I would never again play any character other than Zyra and Blitz but... Leona + Cait, 'cause she asked me for it. And I'm a good person. And Blitz was banned, anyway.

"Ok with Leona or would you prefer some more sustain?" I ask.
"I dont need heal i know protect myself"
Whoa :V such self-confidence! I like him.

Other random talks in champion selection screen. Cait takes the lead.
"play what do u want
counter yi mid
i can mid if u dont want"
Random summoner: "Can you shut up?"
"haha ok"


We're facing a not-so-common Alistar+Sivir bot lane. ...poor them :V I was in a good day, and did a good job. Cait was also ok (even took traps at lvl1 T_T it's been a while since the last time) and we managed to win the lane. I even took 2 early kills, but only just 'cause Cait was already dead.
Our GP was also Awesome!

1232, +15 elo. Oooh thats the way i like it :)


Another soloQ, I manage to get Blitz! \o/ I must switch with our ADC who was first pick, but I don't have many characters for him :-/ eventually I pick Tristana.
Our jungler was a good Sejuani... I really like her, so I'm always glad to see that she's still viable!
+15, 1247 ELO: slowly climbing.

First pick! I pick Zyra 'cause Blitz is banned. ...erf no, someone leaves.
Banned both Blitz and Zyra? Oh well I'll pick Nami.
Maybe I failed, but our Cait surely failed more :( she was flaming from the very beginning. She didn't place a single trap in the bush, I had to ask her to.

1228, -19 :( SIIIGH my win/lose ratio with Nami is terribly low. But I like her so much and I believe she has such strong potential that I just cannot let her go... (And the Koi Nami skin has the sweetest look ever!!)


A bit of mess in the champion selection screen. I didn't understand what happened, but one of us said "I'm gonna dodge bb" and picked Heimerdinger mid. Obvious troll pick, I remember that not so many time ago one should've picked Evelynn to do the same thing :')
We told him to just leave, I even suggested him to do an ARAM in the meanwhile (I usually do it when I want to dodge trollpicks), but he said he didn't want to wait. So we switched our picks and managed to fill all the lanes, and the game started. I wrote in chat: "Come on, let's show them that Heimer is viable! :<"

Well, that's how it worked: we didn't lose a single turret. Heimer didn't troll and played well, keeping its lane vs enemy's Nidalee and even getting some kills. Our Teemo top was really good. We won every lane, and didn't lose even a single turret. Was an awesome game with a very nice team and a good coordination.

At the end of the game, I wanted to thank Heimer.

"gg Heimer, glad you played well despite the pick"
"your attitude changed everything" - he answered.

He said that he was planning of staying afk or troll, but since we didn't flame him and tried to be nice and work together to win, we convinced him to do his best. Such a wonderful lesson! Faith in community: restored.

+16, 1244... I love happy endings :')


Another solo queue.... premade bot. OHMAHGAD I must go top O.O it's the role I know the least! What can I do?
I take Singed since it's one of the few I can somewhat play decently. Let's hope for the best >.<
I'm happy we had a good Rengar jungler, who took FB top and ganked Darius one more time early. So I even managed to take a kill all alone after that ^^ (erf pretty lame I know, but I really am not confident with bruisers or top lane.
I was not a scary Singed, but was ok. Could split push a lot thanks to teleport, and managed to pick some good flings. Glad we won :)

+19, 1263 :D fling to win!
Come on, another one! Hmm I must jungle but Amumu is free, so it's ok. But no, someone leaves.
I'm first pick and manage to pick Blitz! But someone leaves too :-/
Third try, I pick Zyra and go bot with Draven. I somehow felt that something would go wrong, 'cause we asked him several times to pick an adc - he wanted to go Teemo mid when mid was already taken.
And he was in fact so low, slow and ... MEH, that our jungler asked him how could he be @ 1200, since he clearly didn't belong here. A little rough, but we all felt the same :( maybe he was just having a bad day, though.

-17, 1246, well ye I was the one who took all the kills in lane :( Draven was either away or already dead.


Last one for today. I want to go back to one of my all-time favourites, so I pick Lux and go bot with a MF.
I never met such a suiciding adc O.O she clearly couldn't evaluate the danger of a situation, and was like a little running Rambo - always busy to shot things, but being shutted down every time instead. At 20 minutes, she had half the deaths of the entire team :-/
Luckily, we had an amazing Morde mid who carried us to victory despite the little red rebel. It was one of the few times that someone who claims to be good actually is that good. (Usually it goes like "OMG 99% win let me mid!" - and fails horribly.)

+17, 1263, good guy Morde carried the game :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

WTB moar vacations. AAAND...

NOOOO my weekend is over O.O
I don't want to go back to work!
...and do THINGS!
...and meet my colleagues! T__T
*random RL QQ*

Let's go whine on LoL instead.

Meh :V My Ezreal was so slow, he couldn't harass at all. But was awesome at being harassed, though XD
Jungler Wukong was fail. Mid Kennen was a-suiciding-wannabeRambo-sparkling-Yordle. I died a lot.
So much spam and cry in chat :V wasn't I the one who was supposed to whine??

Back to 1202 rating :V and I'll be sure to play ranked when all kids are already back to school.

Ranked games with a friend. We're playing on a local tournament and we wanted to train for bot lane. We wanted to try out some bot lane classics, like Ezreal+Taric.
Blitz is free and the first pick asks me if I can use him.
Ez+Blitz. Yeah :D


Well, it's all for this week.
Tomorrow I'll be leaving for some days to spend my long-awaited, relaxing holidays.
My boyfriend gave me the more useful gift ever foor my birthday: a four days break in a spa resort *_*
See you next week!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I'm almost in losing spree!

Ok, so I made up my mind. I want to win. I want to raise my ELO. I'll play what is clearly OP, at least at the  current meta and trands.
First choice: Blitzcrank. Pick or ban.
Secon choice: Zyra. Noone ever bans her at my ELO.


MF + Zyra. THE PAIN! ...for the others. I never took so many kills as a support! XD
Ok, maybe the fact that I was building AP in late game didn't help... but comeoooonnnnnn: Zyra!! \o/
+15, 1180 ELO.

First pick! I ban ezreal, I take Blitz. Good! But to, an obvious troll picks double mid and I must leave -.- I'll just make an ARAM in the meanwhile.
I queue with a friend who mostly plays mid or jungler. Today he played Maokai or Nunu.
My early game was full of fight with my Ashe :-/ who was really slow and kept dying and making me die. But let's go back to champion selection. He asked for mid but was already taken. So he picked Heimer. Then Ashe. Then claimed to only have AP runes. Then, my obvius response:
"Why do you queue for ranked then?"
"My main account is banned"
"...and I guess this one will be too, soon."
Aaaah I love myself when I'm like that.
Btw, game starts and he has 0 AP. What a troll. Back to fight early 'till we both ignore ourselves.
"Blitz fails every grab!"
I started roaming and grabbed every single enemy I saw, leading him to certain death.
Yes I'm a bit touchy.
Lane was a disaster, but team fights were awesome. More than one teammates thanked me for my good job.
Well. VERY well. :p
+17, 1197 ELO. Very well.

So many trolls today :V many games left before being able to start a queue.
Bot Zyra Vayne + my friend Nunu jungle.
SO OP!!!
And as I said to my friend: "Zyra is my new bitch".
There was a lot of harass in chat from enemies.
And I really, really meant "main".
+22, 1219 ELO

Again! Alone in queue this time. Zyra+Graves. Hmmm you can't cary with Zyra if your adc is too slow :-/ and I begun to feel tired too. Good to know. Our Lee didnt gank and their Corki was reacting very well, so I died early and wasn't effective. Too bad, learned something.
-17, 1202 ELO

Ok, alone again. This time versus a Leona-Trist lane, pretty aggressive too.
Hope this cait is good... she took heal vs Trist :V
GODS YES she was good! We were really dominating the early and mid game. Then "roaming" phase begun and random allies begun being melted around the map. Ok, I'm almost used to it at this point.
Jarv begun going solo and not being with us T_T we had to fight in chat to make him stay with us. "stfu all! stfu or afk!" Oh well :-/ But at the end we won, despite several disconnections from our Kennen
+18, 1220 ELO

Ok I'll finish today's matches with this victory... trying to keep all team together was so hard, that I'm tired :p

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New year! Throwing fireworks?

...I prefer throwing games instead! T_T

MEH MEH MEH Happy new year :-/
Did I say fireworks? I meant FLAMING FLAMERS AOE throwing the game that was won early and mid.
-20, 1232 ELO, happy new fail! :-/

Again! ...really, again :V I want to avoid suicide teams!! :( Bot was ok but we lost all the early advantage...

-20, 1212 ELO, MEH!! MEHHHHH!!!

Moar moar moar!
Wait! Blitz free!! Can I take blitz?
No, enemy picks him as first pick  T_T noooo NOOOO!
Well at least we got Ez, I take leona and GG?
Nope. Ez got caught too much (despite his E). Kassadin mid kept spamming spamming spamming and never helped.
-24, 1188 ELO... oh gods.

Blitz!! Yes I can take Blitz!! I trade with mid who was first pick :-D
Yes yes YES you actually do carry games with him!
Fed ezreal in lane, saved carries, picked up squishies, warded at the speed of light... OMG FFS BBQ!!! YES!
+19, 1207, well thats something.

I must jungle and pick Maokai. Hmmm no :( I failed, bot failed, mid too.
-23, 1184 o.o what? Why do I lose that much rating and gain so little?

Duo queue with a friend. He plays Brand mid, I play Lux bot. Winz!
+21, 1205 ELO, Thanks Max-Brand!!

Again soloQ, again I fail.
-22, 1183
I pick Nami and go bot with a Twich. I dont think he's a strong carry but whatever.
Oh yes! I give him first blood, a double kill and other kills in lane! *_*
...he still fails so hard later!! T_T
Our Eve mid was also not good. I lost my patience (if I had any, this game) and started "insulting" her. Double kill. Another insult. Another double kill. Whell, that could be a  strategy :V
But no, she was so nice that went afk the last minutes completely throwing a game we could have won with little effort. Oh, I'm not even angry anymore.
I lied. Still angry as hell.
-17, 1166 ELO.

Ok, ok, ok. Lets start with OP chats. What does Reignofgaming say for soloQ? Zyra and Blitz? OK.
I will only play Zyra or Blitz as support.

First game: total ownage.
+17, 1183 ELO.
First pick *_* I pick Blitz of course!!
Gah, first defeat with him. After a beautiful game, we owned the early and mid, but was completely throwed by TARDS (can I say tards in my blog? Hell yes I can) ... as I was saying TARDS who kept roaming alone in enemy's jungle without the right visibility.
-18, 1165 ELO.


Ok, last one for today.
"never tried shen jungle, put it can probably works" says a random mate.
But luckily someone leaves.

Another match, I agree to switch Zyra supp for Teemo top. But a stupid (yes, stupid,t hat's it) moron doesn't read the chat and picks Taric. Yelling at me cause I didn't write anything. But it's been the first thing that I ever wrote :V

Ok, ok, I have enough of this idiots. And leave the queue. I've had enough for this session.