Tuesday, April 10, 2012

8th try - blame the support!

When everything goes wrong, blame the support. I understood that this is how it works. 
The support is responsible for early top ganks, counterjungle, too many wards around, missing pings, low ink on "ss" marks, poor teammates play, ugly skins, no RP gifts or IP boosts, Irelia nerfs and sudden headaches. Oh, and nuclear war, I guess.

So, I'm the last one at picks. 

"I can support but also mid if needed. Pick your best, I'll take what's left :)"
Some complaint about two wanting to solo top, some cv request, same old stuff. I ask my carry if I can go Lulu or if he prefers another support. He asks me for Sona, and I please him picking the mute maiden. I like playing Sona, but I have not played her for a long time. Let's give her a chance.

So we're Rammus, Wukong, Ashe, Kennen, Sona vs. 
Sion, Mundo, Mordekaiser, Blitzcrank and Sivir. Looks like we're facing the Macho-Macho-Team (except for the Battle Mistress of course).

Early levels make me understand what will be the trend throughout the game: QQ. Or, to say it clearer: 

I was trying really hard to save my Ashe (who was getting grabbled by Blitz every 30 sec), and still everyone in the team (not watching the map, just aware of the death alert) was continuously spamming:

go uninstall"
"nab bot"
"why why why omg OMG"
"go tutorial"
"OMG nabs stop feeding"
"Report Ashe and Sona"

...and so on.

I lost almost all my fun in gaming in the first 10 mins, but continued to do my job, asking to stop complaining and start focusing. Of course they started spamming harder and harder. Luckily, our Wukong seemed to be a bit wiser, and started leading the team instead of insulting each member ("
group up! GROUP UP!").
A massive, early TF bot lead to an unexpected ACE to our advantage. Now WHO's the support who kept everyone (barely) alive, huh? :<

So the game continued, and somehow we happened to have a massive turret advantage. We tried to do Baron, Mundo came in to steal it and... succeeded. I stunned him with my ulti, and right after that Rammus *
forgot* to TAUNT him or even SMITE the Nashor. But hey, he's the one who asked me to uninstall, and now nicely begging not to report him for his mistakes. (I'm not such a heartless bastard: I reported him only for negative attitude, not for the poor play.)

However, after some split-pushing that resulted in the death of one or another teammate, we managed to push bot together while they were doing Nashor. Even though they were buffed by the power of... nashorness, we roflstomped them at their Nexus and victory was ours.

I feel happy for the outcome but really
nervous for the poor behaviour of the people who happened to be in my team. How can you blame the others and make them feel bad when the game is not being lost? (And also why argue when game is lost? You can't make it better this way, no matter how hard you complain.) Why can't anyone simply focus and write only "ss", "river warded" and so on? Why must I QQ so much about the morons I were in team with, even though we won? And why is my english getting worse and worse in the process? I should behave like the support I played, and simply answer: "......"

+19 rating, 1069 ELO,
The support is dead! Long blame the support!

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