Monday, April 2, 2012

5th try - Don't steal my role :_:

Busy day at work. Time to relax with a ranked match!
Always 3rd in pick, I ask nicely..

ME: "Hi there; support pls :)"
Random One: "im support :S"

Siiigh why why WHY would anyone want to support? It's boring, it's awful, all blame and no fame, and besides that... it's my role! >.< But I accept the Unknown Stranger One as the team support, and since mid is already taken (by a Viktor who formerly wanted to be top), I go jungle.
I'm not really good at jungling, but I was somehow forced to learn this role due to needs of my ranked team (we already played *10* matches... you can imagine the skill and perfect structuring of the group). Long story short, I almost learned how to play jungle Alistar, Sejuani, Maokai and Amumu (uuuh so pro), and eventually liked this role.

Returning to this, we're Soraka, Viktor, Shen, Alistar and Ashe vs. Teemo, Katarina, Udyr (top), Renekton (jungle) and Nidalee (supp). Shuffle!

We (they) decide to start invading enemy blue. We get FB but end with 3 kills and 2 deaths, don't know if really worth it. I'm always anxious when invading. (And also when playing various roles, etc etc.)

Early lane phase seems ok, but after Viktor dies for the 3rd time trying to face Kata (he definitely wasn't playing safe) he "disconnects". Ok no, that was a rage quit for sure. From that moment on we've been 4 vs 5.

To keep it short, after a hard time keeping the lanes (I went mid first and top later), lane phase ends with a terrible outcome for us. We took down 1 turret and had half of their kills. I can only say that I was really disappointed by such a bad luck after a very successful series of games, but I was expecting this. So I was kinda resigned. Nevertheless, I refused to surrender.

And by that moment, due to the not-so-high skill level of our opponents or by some of their bad strategic decisions, we stood to defend the nexus. And moments later we were pulverizing one of their inhibitors. We endured one more ace (not really ace 'cause the 5th was always dc) but they weren't fast enough and as we ressed, we made our way through their bodies and turrets up to their nexus. I couldn't believe it, but we won. In a triumph of joy, exultation, pride... and anger (from enemy team, of course). GG :D

+ 16 rating, 1014 ELO, MOOOOOOOOHH!! :D

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