Tuesday, June 26, 2012

20th and 21th try - Pretty please?

"Best @ supp worst @ ad"

But I was slower and wrote second :-/ so I took the Cow and went to the jungle.

We're Olaf, Alistar, Annie, Janna, Sivir vs Volibear, Nida (top), Cassiopeia, Miss Fortune and Soraka. We got more cc, we could easily win!

We had an awesome start. I started ganking at lvl 2 and didn't stop until 6. Then I went back to buy. Lots of kills, a good advantage + FB, everything seemed fine. But then... the pain. Our Annie was really bad, I'm sad to admit it but it's true. She was always taking the wrong path, walking alone like a boss but being roflstomped like one of Teemo's Mushrooms. But without any damage to the enemy. Our Sivir's first item was a triforce... I don't know if it's really a bad choice on her, but she was always pushing alone, waiting for the nth gank. Long story short, they got really fed and no cow could save them. I felt like I had no team, just 4 solo dudes trying to go 1 vs 5. "Pretty please, try to stay as a team". NO. Annie was useless, Sivir was soloing all the time, Janna... well, no shame nor glory for her. Our Olaf was good, but we could little against a super-fat Miss Fortune. They rushed our nexus and GG. I felt really frustrated, a wonderful start ruined by some exceptionally low mates.

Lolwut, I forgot to check the score :-/ must've lost around 17 ELO. Good start, bad mates, same old story.


Second try, please don't match me with armless monkeys T_T please. Just please. Pretty please.

Selection screen, I arrogantly ask for my role - "me support please :)" - and we begin.

We're Ezreal, Lulu, Nocturne, Annie, Warwick vs. Cassio, Wukong (WTF I SAID NO MONKEYS), Kog'Maw, Soraka, Olaf. Pleeease! Be a good team! Please!! >.<

The game ended pretty fast. My Ezreal was always low, as his favourite hobby was to bait attacks and silences - and take them all right in the face. I ran out of mana trying to save him, and when we finally were both low and oom he decided to throw himself in the middle of the lane, trying to kill Kog. He died, I picked up Kog's kill, he started blaming me. I was pinging to go back for at least a minute. But no, sure, it's my fault, why recall at 15th minute when you can feed them a bit instead. Gosh. I was nervous and as he started flaming me I begun aswering properly (in my way, saying things like "sure, blaming the support makes you SO pro, my dear" and "you're dead, I killed him and I'm alive, you want to cry more?". Suddently, my connection beginned to faint, and as I sensed we were going through a sort of fight bot I ulted + shielded Ezreal, but couldn't see what was going on since I was lagging too much. Then I disconnected. I reconnected to find I didn't die (nor did Ez, apparently) and the chat was weirdly empty. A gank bot, Nocturne's ulti, I ulted him, Annie joined the party, they surrendered. We discovered right after that that enemy team had one leaver. Not really GG, I want to have nice and fair games, not argues with overgrown arrogant kids. Meh meh meh. Maybe next time? ...pretty please? :p

Gained whatever I did, 1109 rating, Leavers are bad but flamers are worst.

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