Wednesday, November 13, 2013

End of an Era

End of an Era - as Nightwish would say.
(Warning! Wall-text alert!)

Season 3 ended, and in its last days I didn't feel the urge to play no-stop to raise my rating or league.

(A minute of silence for a friend who didn't manage to pass the wall between Silver and Gold. You deserved more than 0 LP per win. You may be silver outside, but you sure are gold on the inside!)

On the contrary, I was so relaxed that I spent more time playing Hearthstone than LoL.
As a "former" World of Warcraft and Magic: The Gathering player, I was really excited of the beta key I managed to receive at Lucca Comics & Games. And here I am, totally caught by this new game. BLZURD STAHP! But let's go back to LoL.

In S2 I started at 930 rating (deep Bronze of course) and reached the highest ELO of 1210: the bare minimum to be classified as Silver (it was a very close call!!). It's been a long and desperate trip.
Preseason time, the ELO reset bringed me up to 1250, and after the placement games I was listed... Silver, with a rating of 1292. In the preseason games I dropped to 1172.
S3 came, and I was thrown into the Silver V division. Better than expected, to be very honest. Game by game I managed to climb the ladder even tho I didn't play that much, and as the season ends now I find myself in Gold IV.

The time has come to ask myself the question: did I make it?
Did I finally climb out of the ELO Hell?

Well some time ago I found a tweet who was citing a reddit quote (et cetera et cetera) which I found really inspiring:

"Elo Hell is like traffic. 
Everyone thinks they are in it, when they actually ARE it."
That's it. There's no ELO Hell. I should know, I visited it and drawed a map of its circles, too XD

There are players who are so bad, they can ruin a game all by themselves.
Flamers and ragequitters do exist and lower your chances of winning by 80%.
Blame the jungler and blame the support are #1 and #2 excuses for losing a lane, respectively.
Getting sick of your teammates and wanting to surrender @ 20 without even trying is a harsh but common reality.
But I found all and if possible more of these things in both bronze and silver. And in gold it was no different.

What changed for sure was my playstile, my attitude towards my fellow teammates and the conciousness of my errors. (Correcting them is a different story, I will have a hard time working on this!!)

The Ward Call is too strong to be resisted!

What can I tell from my games history? I must thank Nami and Janna who totally carried me. That is, the characters I am most confident with. I can play them better than anything else and know their abilities and weakpoints very well. I was able to win lanes and contributing to the victory of many games 'cause of that.
On my experience I can totally suggest to master 2-3 characters per role one can play and focus on these ones to improve both playstile and rating.
Many will not agree. And it's ok with that. Someone could try a new character in ranked for the first time and still carry games (THE MECHANICS ARE AMAZING!).
But players like me, who don't feel confident with 3/4 of the available characters, should probably limit themselves to their very best heroes of choice in ranked queues.

I continue seeing some people I know still struggling in bronze, trying hard to improve their rating and play, but almost never blaming themselves when they lose a game. (Typical sentence: "I was 20/1/7! And I still lost the game, noob teammates feeders and leavers!!")
I didn't blame myself a lot, too. This is also a weak point which I want to improve in the coming season.
But I learned that a game is never really lost until the very end. Or, as a friend of mine says, "A game is only lost when the nexus is down".
A positive team spirit, the will to cooperate and help each other: that's what wins games. It really does. In Summoner's Rift, not just in Happy Rainbow Land. Encouraging a failing teammate instead of crucifying him for his errors has always proven to be a worthy choice. My team was able to completely turn the fate of an apparently lost game due to good team presence and fights. "In late we trust", as I said once XD and it worked. As a support, not only can I help my team by playing well, but also by supporting the team spirit.

I also realized (well there was no real wonder in that, to be honest) that a good warding can, in every game phase, give a huge advantage even when your team is behind in farm, turrets and kills. I never had a full build as a support, not even in 60-minutes-long games, 'cause the majority of my gold was spent in wards and oracles. And it was good as it was.
Sightstone, sight wards, vision wards, oracles: this is (or was, after S3) the only support's build!

"Whoa whoa wait: are you trying to give us suggestions? You're still a little nab, don't you know?"
Oh I surely am. But sometimes pointing out the most basic notions can be helpful, too. So why not? :)

Last but not least, I am really excited to see what will happen in the preseason, with all the changes they planned for supports.
I'll have to learn the mechanics from scratch again :V
Oh well, I'm ready. I really like the feeling of having build choices depending on situation, hero and playstyle. I guess the meta will point out the strongest combinations soon, anyway :p and some items / trinkets will soon become a must!

No matter what the new meta will be, I will continue cheering up my teammates as much as I can, even though my work often remains in the shadow.

I want to end this needlessly long post with one of my favourite mottos, which also sums up the spirit of  good team cooperation:

support the support!

See you at the start of the preseason :)

Just a little sketch I made in some spare time at work. Sushi-Zombie Nami was also my idea
for the Zombie Hero Harrowing contest, but I had no time to put up some real art.

Monday, November 4, 2013


Back from LuccaComics&Games 2013... woo guys, I really enjoyed it this year :D
I was there 3 out of 4 days and managed to do all the things I wanted to (see stands - play boardgames - buy stuff - eat tons of instant ramen)!

It was the first year of Riot attending the convention. There was a "huge" League of Legends stage with some italian rioters where you could participate in small games and competitions.
I was picked in a team for a champion mime game and won a Triforce t-shirt ^^

I was expecting to receive skin codes instead, so I wasn't 100% happy about this victory... BUT!!! Later on I realized that the code on the convention ticket could be redeemed to receive both Riot Blitzcrank and Arcade Hecarim skins *_* wooooo!!! DOUBLE WIN!!

And though this year I couldn't afford doing a cosplay, next year I will definitely put up some support costume... I can't decide between Koi Nami and Hextech Janna *_* (btw my boyfriend is already complaining about me going around with a fish tail all day, so I guess I'll do something simpler). Can't wait for LC&G 2014 :D

Since the convention was on Halloween's weekend, I came home to participate in the Harrowing event. My friends and I had planned to gift each other a Mystery Gift, and at the time I received Dragon Slayer Jarvan IV and Fisherman Fizz.
Nice :D I love both! Too bad I also can't play both :V well looks like it's time to learn! ^^

So, I came back from Lucca and my promotion series is about to expire :V oh well.
I pick Nami and go bot with Vayne, facing Blitz + Sivir... fail grabs and bad Sivir = ultra fed godlike Vayne.
Uhmmm a bad game with all lanes losing :(
Their Fiora top destroyed our lane (both Garen and Turrets) early, mid our Gragas was getting owned by Rumble, bot Cait wasn't that bad but kept flaming me and / or the jungler... Just an average bad game.
Fun fact: enemy team grouped up in our base, Rumble escaping with low HP, Cait's ulti from our nexus passes through their entire team to reach and kill the poor Yordle. XD
Last game... and I have a super-nice team!! o.o People not flaming and helping each other. Thank you, matchmaking system!
Kayle top fed a bit earlt but made up for that later, my Cait was good, we were superior bot ('cause of my lane presence of course u.u ....yeah, yeah, right).
Well, their Leona wasn't really dangerous and Cait was good at avoiding zenith blades :p
I also won the ward war!!
In teamfights our Annie was -literally- MELTING them :)
Gold IV is it!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sorry, Sivir. I had to do this.

Seriously. I like what Riot is doing - giving the old champions a gorgeous new look - but, seriously.

I made fun of the Victorious Elise human appearance - and I like it, though.

How do you expect me to stay still when the new Sivir is just so... so... unbalanced?
I'm not talking about her new ability set.
Nor the in game skin, her VU looks absolutely gorgeous IMHO.

But what about that splash art that has been released in PBE?


Of all the epic battle positions you can imagine...why has it to be the Flamingo Battle Stance? :V
Why are her buttocks higher than her head? Why does his leg reming me of an old Soraka art with a banana elbow? I thought we were over this banana thing.

Talking seriously for a moment... the picture isn't so bad. But I feel that the new "tough adult woman" Sivir concept isn't well expressed in this art. No tough woman would bend like this in battle, showing both her breasts and her rear end at the same time :-V and no warrior would throw a giant boomerang weapon with only one foot barely touching the ground.

Sigh, I know where this is going... I'll have to buy that Princess Warrior Sivir skin to get rid of this splash art. GG Riot, you won again!! >.<

Friday, October 18, 2013

AFTER SEASON ELISE X (aka Victorious Elise)

I must "thank" my job for abandoning me in these months, so I could train a lot and manage to reach gold.
Joking aside, well, yes: I was home from work for 6 months due to a deep crisis in the company I work for. Eventually - thanks to the hard work of our boss and all us employees - we were able to rise again from our ashes.
Next week I'll go back to my office and lab, and will have less time to play LoL - but more money to live.
It was a nice time, though, 'cause I wasn't in serious money shortage and could enjoy the summer like the old times, when I was a school girl: doing simple things, visiting my parents and granny, riding my old bike, even sunbathing at the local shore ^^
(And of course playing LoL all night long and sleeping all morning!!)

In the meanwhile the new Victorious Elise skin has been revealed.
I love that spider form!! And spiderlings, too!!
I know it's just a beta-release, and could be subject to changes... anyway, the human form somehow bothers me.
It seems so... like... if.... huh? You know...

Come on, you can't deny it. Just take a closer look... I proudly present you:


Just try to deny it, if you dare: it looks like the love child of Gundam and "Cignus" Hyoga.

Come on Riot, there MUST be something you can do about it!! You got some time to remove at least a bit of its current "Mecha" flavour. I mean, it's not even a Battlecast-themed skin.

Enough vent for today, let's go back to the games. Last game as a (currently unemployed) researcher.
Nida support. Oh great :-/ and I'm Morgana mid vs Fizz. GREAT T_T
Well I gave him one early kill due to lack of mana :( but then I was superior, didn't get much kills but did a good job in some team fights. Our team wasn't flaming and all went great at the end... enemy team surrendered early!
Well it could have been, just maybe, 'cause of our Cait who was 8/0 in the first 15'.
But I think we won due of my spectacularly mediocre performance! \o/
100 LP, it's promotion time!! ...when will I be able to play those games, anyway? Doesn't matter, had job :<

Friday, October 11, 2013

Sugar rush 2 (in late we trust)

Let's gank, gank gank!
(I don't know why I wrote this, didn't even pick jungler o.o)
Uhm we had a good Ez and we won a Graves + Fiddle lane... but later their tf were superior, therir Nasus was a real nightmare.
I also won the Ward War early  >.<
Good constructive criticism in chat btw.
It was a nice game, wp although we lost at the end :)
21 LP
Duo with my boyfriend, it usually never happens ^^ we usually play separated.
He usually plays jungler, so we're jungle Nasus + support Nami.
Game starts and... GOSH I don't have the biscuit o.o wtf?
I still have the masteries for Sejuani which I used in last normal game D: well I was a super tanky support, anyway.
Uhhhh what a game :D their Urgot had just too much damage and was so tanky, it was difficult to lane vs him early!
At the beginning there were some failing team fights mid, for no apparent reason :V
Then something went better, but we were still still lower overall.
The we begun taking objectives with the famous ADC and APC splitpushing techniques :V
At the end we fought at Baron a couple of times, and in a the last tf I was cleaning wards with my team and got caught by the entire enemy team by our blue (we were on blue side) and died instantly.
Too bad that in their ambush they used all their ultis on me, so even if the fight begun 4 v 5 we had a good advantage and the narrow space between solid terrain and bushes was too good for our Nasus + Malz + Twich comp... so I "sacrificed" and we aced them :) there was 1' of time and we pushed up to their nexus and won... woooo gg!!!!
43 LP
Another duo + bf, we waited more than 5 minutes to get in queue :-/ I guess it is due to some rank difference.
Our mid goes AD Tristana o.o lol? Hope he knows what he's doing.
They had this support Annie thing, so annoying!
All lanes were losing, maybe except for mid, how strange ^^.
Tristana was blaming me for staying behind o.o while all the others were being harassed by Corki and Malz. Suuure I'll get in the front without a tank by my side and get one-shotted by some sort of stun, why dont you blame me some more? :V Ofc, blame the jungler or the support.
28 LP
I must go mid, i take Morgana.
Hmmm it was a mediocre game, our Annie support having as many kills as me ^^"
I shouldn't have played mid today :-(
We got outplayed and lost, gg!
12 LP
Diana flaming!
Olaf feeding!
What a game :V
My Kog was good, but their bot was superior: Draven + Thresh, massive burst and good lane presence. Plus they did a good gank from Lee (lantern in bush behind them, sudden wild Lee Sin appears!) and we totally lost the lane ^^
0 LP
"Pref supp, mid or jungle, not really good as top or adc :)"
And... jungle Sej.
What's with this bot GP + Talon thing o.o
Oh, I got it. They were using the stack items bug, both building a Sword of the Occult and getting too much damage to be countered. Well I reported them afterwards but was thankful that for one time they were on my side and not on enemy's team :V
Well tbh we didn't win because of them alone. Our Nasus top was free farming and left the lane as a giant AD god :D our Ori was also good and I escaped with 10 hp too many times :)
21 LP
Nobody fighting for their role? Yay!
Ouch they got Corki :V I'm gettin sick of Corkis everywhere. This trends must come to an end! Well we got Cait + Janna, I hope this helps.... aaaand Corki's countered :) no harass, no Valkyrie, no farm thanks to Cait :D annnd we won!
43 LP
Hmmm I feel this game will be a huge NO.
Vayne + Nami vs Leona + Cait.
We were dominating the lane early, but vayne went back during an engage and I got caught and gave them FB :'(
Our entire team was 0/7 at 10'.
But we won't let them take us down!!
That's what we kept saying to ourselves :D (and writing in chat, too).
Nasus + Vayne + Riven: too good to be ignored :)
Nami + Fiddle (jung) ulti matched perfectly :D
It was a a good thing to keep team spirit up and trust in late ;) 'cause we totally won!!
65 LP
Hmmm their Singed vs Our Jax :V so it's about late game monsters... ok.
I'm supporting a strangely good Lucian :) vs Cait +Sona lane.
Despite the early flaming with Jax the late game was good, we had good Zac and Zack XD and took two barons uncontested.
Sona was annoying with her warding but didnt buy oracle and... whohohoho my dear, oracle > pinks.
Wooo another victory :D
88 LP and in spree!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The golden age ( it, anyway?)

Well I feel a lot more relaxed playing ranked, now that I've reached my final goal :) ...well, "final" for now at least. Sweet Elise skin, I can't wait to have you!! I also had my "Blossom" skin refunded, I bought it when it was on sale, it was of course right before the announcement of the S3 rewards ^^

Well let's go up a bit and prove that I fit in my rank.

First game, wanna try Lux (support ofc)... very long game and well played too, if I remember correctly. They were a lot more tanky than us and did stomp us late :) had fun though! GG
0 LP
Second game! It's Blitz this time. Hope I did not turn to be an occasional grabber :V last time I picked Blitz it was in normal and I was ok.
They have a weird AP comp Syndra top + TP and Fiddle support (well thats not weird at all, just not so common at my rank).
Ok... no... thay had this super-effective Maokai jungler vs our super-lame Xin :p also Fiddle support was rally good.
We were all overally lower and lost at the end :) GG!
0 LP

Zyra, + Ashe it is!
Now that I am gold I must train in all the supports I like :< and not only play Nami and Janna, which became my main characters this season....
Aww it was a well fought game but we lost anyway :)
LOL!!! Enemy team had this GP top who wasn't doing anything weird and wasn't strong, and they said "report GP for streamibng!!"  XD weirdest report request ever! They were saying that this GP was commenting his stream with witty comments about his teammates who were in fact carrying him :-/ LOL!
Still 0 LP... but having fun :D
Ok, let's win something.
I must pick Nami and go bot with Vayne who was playing safe early... YAY farmed Vayne destroys teams :D
We did some bad engages but were a good team overall.
Ashe + Sona early were super aggressive but couldn't manage to kill us ^^
Their Veigar was good and we wasted some time early with random fights in the jungle :-/ luckily we managed to make up for that later.
22 LP :)
Wooo I have the chance to support a good Tristana :)
Enemy mid Annie was good, our team had Ahri who did fail a bit early.
Good thing we were polite all the game, and despite some early difficulties we managed to group up and interact well and eventually win the game :) yay!
43 LP

Well it seems like I must played what I'm skilled with to win games... yes, yes, I hear you: "you don't say!!" :V
Well, Nami FB + double kill early. My adc wasn't really good tbh, but they weren't so great either.
Oh god. Why do they think AP Nida is always a good choice top? We had to face a Tryndamere who was so fed that could kill our entire team almost alone.
With some good stuns we could have won, but we continued but randomly throwing the game 'cause of infinite jungle chases and not taking objectives :-/ sometimes I think that pinging and writing in chat what to do just isn't enough.
28 LP

Platinum and diamond smurfs premade bot? God let this be true. Don't let it be a failing duo as always!!
Well, it seems they're actually good V every lane dominated and I felt a little useless 'cause ganks weren't really necessary. So I roamed the map farming and warding, and ganked when someone was pushed (which was very rare, turrets went down really early)
Go go boar lady!! XD Smooth victory.
Btw there was this funny chat about reporting our "support" Rengar cause he was last pick and the only male champ in a female-characters-only team.
Which reminded me of Siren :V gah, such a fail commercial!
I'm a boar!
40-something LP
Varus + Nami bot, no platinum premades this time.
Disaster :V
Switching lanes all the time, they pretty much stomped us.
36 LP

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

...I'm in promotion for gold!

Oh my gold.
Will I be able to do it without any help?
My friends offered to help me with one of their smurf accounts, but I want to try alone first. Let's see if I'm really worth it.

They pick Janna for me and I switch with Orianna. Bot with Cait vs Blitz+Ez.
Woah, at the beginning 2 of us were not connected (1 per team) at the loading screen...
After a minute everything seems to be ok :) Orianna mid was good vs Annie.
Bot, their Blitz was a casual grabber :-/ My Cait just died 2 times cause of excessive pushing alone while I was back for wards. In the end all went just ok ^^
Yay! First match is a win!

Second one.
NOES. Fucked by Sion AP mid :-V I didn't see him in AGES and now he comes back from oblivion just to ruin my promotion? How lame!! Back to hell, you Sion >.<
Well, we're Ashe Janna vs Blitz + Trist. My Ashe was so low :V doing 1 v 1 vs Trist at low level, with less farm, items and kills. But ye nvm let's go 1 v 2 -.- YOLO Ashe! Too bad this isn't true and you can give multiple kills to them, dying repeatedly.
Hmmm ok no more rankeds for today o.o it was so lame!!
Our Diana mid was good but a total flamer. I didn't give my best, at all.
Well, 1 game won and 1 lost... seems pretty even for now!
W / L
I know I said I didn't do that, but... friends, I choose you! ç_ç My friend Mewro helps me with a couple of matches.
Uhm their Udyr and our Cait were flaming o.o well it was true that she was getting carried somehow, but she wasn't that bad.
We had a good friend-Fizz and a PERFECT Lee Sin (who finished the game with a score like 10/0/8)
W / L / W, 1 or 2 games to go!

Someone tells he was going to troll o.o 'cause he was still raging from last game and said we all didn't deserve to win. Well, someone else leaves the game.
If you still rage from your past game... then why couldn't you just quit, relax a bit, maybe watch some kitten gifs on 9gag?

Well, my friend Mewro isn't mid but top with Vlad.
Bot we're Ashe + Janna (I was FP and didn't know what else to pick) vs Leona + Ez. Seems good!
Boooo all the team flamed!! Lee didn't want to give blue to Syndra, Ashe flamed and went afk later... I was so happy I managed to actually interrupt almost all Leona's Zenith Blades!
I wasn't that brilliant either (but it's difficult to actually shine when facing Leona! HAHAHAHAHHHA.... ah... ehm.)
Gosh I waited too much before recording the match and the game disappeared from my log T_T well I guess it was better so, I had just little more assists then deaths...
W / L / W / L...

[bad Janna game picture missing ç_ç]
Last one. Everything depends on me.
I'll try, the promotion series didn't go that bad anyway, so I won't be trowed down to 50 LP anyway. I guess. Hopefully. Please? T_T
Nami va Janna. Let the wards war begin :<
Mid we had a Ziggs (wooo I didn't see one in ages) vs Swain (bad feeling from last game)... oh be good pls >.<
All of us were playing their main role :D
Everyone was good, good chat feedback, good pings, good play.... GG!
And with my most renown Secret Agent Nami (007).... awwww yissss I'm gold!!! :D

W / L / W / L / W

Friday, September 20, 2013

Where are you...?

Silver I, armed and ready!
Gash, this is the "where are you?" day :-/
Where is my team?
Where are you Janna?
Where is my jungler?
Where is my support?

Where is my facebook? 'cause you're definitely chatting too much >.<
I pick Morgana and go mid, 'cause two dudes asked for bot. I am not forced to go top thanks to another nice guy :)
Gah, our Eve jungle was engaging alone and without life and complained about team for "not being there".
Where is my team? Behind, 'cause we can't run as fast as you do o.o and you're dead before we can even reach the team fight!
Besides... no, it really isn't my day :-/ Lux mid was good, I didnt feed her but couldn't get kills and she got fed eventually anyway :-/
They stomped us.
50 LP
Support or afk.
Janna, let me show how good I can do >.<
Whoa, are we facing a double ap team? Kassa + Annie o.o Annie support? Gosh!
She was infact support and really annoying.
My Ez was bad o.o getting harassed and standing right into enemy groups, of course saying "where are u Janna?"
Sweetie I'm here, right behind you, shielding you, disabling enemies and watching you die hopelessly :-/
Anyway our Morde was good and Maokai jungle too so we won somehow :)
70 LP
I had a good Draven bot, but he was a bit too much into "teaching" :-/
Oh well we stomped them anyway. Was an easy win :) it's good it happens, once in a while !
Their Blitz was also afk the last minutes.
Whoa 90 LP o.o I MUST do another one!!

Oh, another duo bot who choses to go top+jungle instead *_* ty guys!!!
I call Janna again.
But we have Ahri top? Weeeeird :V We're squishy and they got Ryze + Vayne, an early victory or a late defeat?
All flamed o.o mass ignore, I choose you!!
My Ez!! Flamer, unskilled, the worst teammate ever. He literally throwed the game by feeding them constantly. Our Nida was also flaming ofc and eventually we lost :( but was a long and desperate game.

Whoa I lost just 4 LP o.o how is it possible? Well probably because 2 of us were premade and someone was gold. Well, thanks... they know how hard it was!
86 LP
Ok, you know what to do. You gotta Rock the Rift!!
...or give them fb, whatever :V gosh! How lame of me!!
I started playing a bit poorly, but made up for that later :) annnd enemy team surrendered :3
100 LP.... yes!! It's promotion time!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sugar rush

Gold. I need you.
I'm failing so hard in 3v3 recently, that I fear to never be able to collect at least 10 matches in that queue! :V
I need extra energies >.< go-go chocolate, tea and vitamins!! Be healthy, be happy, win games!

Janna + Vayne+Nasus+Cho+Zed... let's get late!
We won, Nasus was good but Zed was AMAZING.
"And now with this trick I'll make your Lux disappear!" *zack*
Plus, enemy team had a... pretty cute Thresh :-/ who wasn't scary at all. Poor thing.
GG! 23 LP
FP! I must mid, so as usual I take Morgana... but no, someone leaves :-/
I don't want to be re-matched with the same guys, so I decline the match... will I lose LP by doing this? o.o apparently not. Good :V
Another one, maybe I will not have any premades bot this time.
In fact there aren't. I pick Janna and head bot with Cait.
Well, we destroyed them easily :-/ nothing to say.
47 LP
Weird comp, pretty unusual: Shyvana, Diana, Nami, Lucian and Garen. We're lacking cc a bit.
We were overall lower than our enemies, and our Diana was flaming 24/7... SO annoying >.< ignored, but the game couldn't be saved anymore.
33 LP
Our Nida top was feeding Nasus. Building AP Nida of course :V no wonder he lost the lane so bad.
Well he was our only AP, so I guess he had no choice (...?).
It was an eternal game, it lasted 70 minutes o.o
It was a great game but with lame mates, we should've lost it at 20 minutes. I wonder how did we manage to keep it up for so long! Their Master yi at the end was pretty unstoppable and won the "kill the enemies -> go for nexus" ping pong race. Whatever, GG.
18 LP

Oh, another weird team with Riven mid and Rengar top and Eve jungler.
Another infinite match with a semi-retarded team who kept just failing from time to time, losing time wandering randomly in jungle and then coming back with a good team fight. Well, this time we won the nexus race at least ;)
41 LP
Aaw yissss support GP on enemy team = I give them fb by faceckecking my lane bush XD god, I'm an idiot.
They had a good Kog but my Corki was better!! Bot were the PRETTIEST fights, both carries had the chinese fireworks-themed skins (Lion Dance Kog'Maw VS. Dragonwing Corki).
We had the luck of having a good and nice Hecarim jungle, who fed Morgana and Renekton, leading us to a sure victory :)
65 LP
So.... I have this platinum smurf in team who says he can mid or jungle J4. One of us picks J4 for him. Please be good please be good please be really good T_T
We're facing Sona + Cait, insane harass comp bot :V
Not so good really, our Ahri mid wasn't a brilliant player but was a wonderful flamer. The one who insults you in caps lock by chat, all chat, wisper, private message, phone call and pidgeon-delivered letter 'cause you accidentally took a kill from him. "Accidentally"... he wasn't capable of taking kills and had almost no damage, kept failing skillshots and the hardest thing to do was trying not to steal kills from him :-/
A sure loss, he was soon muted but his plays were horrible and couldn't be unseen.
51 LP
Maybe the last one for today?
Cait + Nami vs Leona + Vayne... well I'd say "prepare vaseline", but it wasn't a brilliant bot lane.
Top our Nasus fed Udyr a bit, but surprisingly it wasn't a problem later on.
With a final pentakill by our Gragas we pushed and won :) yay!
Hmmm... looking at the scores I'd say that today it's my "steal a kill" day :-/
73 LP
Ooooh another match in the afternoon.
Janna + Ez vs Leona + Corki o.o meeeh.
NO. Our Trynd fed Jax top. Their Kayle jungle also was horribly fed.
Ez was really arrogant but not so skilled, he didn't come back soon as i pinged back seeing a gank incoming and died horribly several times. Also stopped in the middle of a teamfight (surrounded by enemies aiming at his throat) to cast an ulti. God, step back, hit with your autoattacks and other skills another couple of time, be safe and THEN cast ulti. Or cast it before you're into the battle. Alone. GEEZ!
59 LP

Last one for today, then I'll go to my dojo and vent all my rage against.. kids. Seems legit.
So we're Nami + Quinn facing Leona + Graves T_T prepare the vaselin!
No. No. Just no. I'd say no. Did I also mention NO?
We had a really slow and (can I say it? I'll say it) STUPID team, never looking at the map, zero awareness, ignoring pings, never helping. 4 enemies bot? I ping asking for help as soon as I see them approaching dragon? Better ignore the rest of the team. GOSH!!!
45 LP and off for today.
...well no, I manage to do a last match late at night :V
Ok, I got a Lucian bot. I never won with a Lucian, both normals and ranked games. I have a very bad feeling about this T_T
Leona+Graves bot got super harassed, they were really bad. Their Fizz mid was mildly fed but our Karth was good :) and we were highly superior in teamfights thanks to Mr. Pony and my CCs.
As they were trying to do Nashor (without pinks or oracles) we aced them one last time and pushed for the win.
PLUS!!! The prophecy!!
It is said that when right before a team fight or at the very beginning of it an enemy Fizz one-shots a Nami, the support's team would win that fight. It happened more than I like to admit :-/ but whatever, we won!
65 LP

Friday, September 13, 2013

The 3v3 effect

Let's get real: I could never make it to Gold before season 3 ends.

Some of my friends (yes, I really do love them) play a lot of 3v3 and they're in platinum. We're in the same ranked team but I almost never played 3v3 before. They told me I could play 3v3 with them to get the 10 wins I need to unlock the reward *_* yay!
The problem is... we have to win the matches. Like, destroy the enemy nexus. And I really suck with bruisers and don't know the mechanics of Twisted Treeline. So I tried Renekton, Cho'Gath, even Lulu, but with poor results. Then we tried bruiser + adc + support comp and I took Leona... wow! The first matches were a real success :'D and I obtained 5-6 victories in 2 days. Then the matchmaking system woke up and... let's say... "my skills got lost" :V after a losing streak of 4-5 games I stopped 3v3 for some days. But I'll be back >.<

So it's me, back to soloQQ.
Delicious Victorious Skin, wait for me!!


So, here I am, bot as usual. I'm facing an insane poke composition (Cait + Lulu) who kept harassing us with no mercy!! Luckily my Varus was good and we didn't give them any kill.
They were also pretty tanky with Skarner + Shen, but our jungle Nasus (who failed early) was great after
laning fase was meh (they had kassa roaming)
but team fights were awesome
we pushed in 2 times and won :D
44 LP
Janna for every situation!
No, really no. My adc was just embarassing and my jungler told that couldn't jungler after the match started. Also enemy Varus was playing the good guy and was all "come on it's all the team's fault, they weren't so bad!". But they were, believe me. And if you don't have them in your team writing on your chatboard you can't deeply understand the very depression this brings upon you. -.- Well, screw it, I was totally pissed!! So pissed that I forgot to sign my LP. Gah.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you Darius I the Arrogant, who was absolutely good but definitely unbearable :V he led us to victory but we had to cheer at him constantly to prevent his AFK or avoid his rage. MAAAAN.
Well, still a victory, but what a pain >.<
51 LP
Bot. We were definitely outplayed by Beach Party Lane (Leona + Graves) and lane was lost badly >.<
Then, we had an unexplicable comeback after a good TF o.o where only their Leona survived. And we pushed all mid through up to the nexus... yay? Not deserved but, hey, still a win.
73 LP
Weird choice, I'm first pick and I take Lux going support.
It's been a while since I used the luminosity lady :) let's hope for the best.
Yay a nice team :D I mean... friendly, supportive. and enough skilled. the real best!
I was aggressive and Vayne followed fast. We made a minor mistake or two but in the end we pushed without problems. We had a weird Galio mid who was actually good :)
95 LP! will next game mean promotion?
NO. Leona + Corki vs Ezreal + Kha support o.o
We -literally- fucked them. BUT. But our Morde fed their Riven top :V oooh I'm sick of buttle bunny Riven >.< it's the nightmare of my every 3v3 match!!
They pushed slowly but inesorably through our mid lane and we were able to keep the nexus up without turrets for 2 fights, on the 3rd they had baron and won.
So much harass :(
80 LP

Ok, I wanna play Nami. I'm bot + Vayne vs Tristana + (ugh) Thresh. Why wasn't it banned?
Complete ownage. This Thresh wasn't a threat.
100 LP!! promotion, here I come!
First match.
Nami + Cait vs Vayne +.... GP?
Trolling or not? Well he steals creeps and begun with 0 wards, so it could be a troll instead of a weird choice :-/
Aoe flame in chat.
He wasn't scary, I feared he could harass too much but was so squishy that was dead after the first parrley. Fast push and win!
I feel bad for you guys but thanks to this troll + Vayne rageafk early I won my first match :)

Second match, let's hope it's the last one.
Varus + Janna vs Blitz + Ez. Ow!
Wow our Rengar and Udyr were flaming all the time :-/ nooo guys don't rage I need you to be efficient!!
At the end they calmed down and we prevaled :)
And they apologized for all the flames. Good guys, better not flaming at all, but it's still something.
In my country we say something that sounds like this: "All things that end good are good."