Friday, September 13, 2013

The 3v3 effect

Let's get real: I could never make it to Gold before season 3 ends.

Some of my friends (yes, I really do love them) play a lot of 3v3 and they're in platinum. We're in the same ranked team but I almost never played 3v3 before. They told me I could play 3v3 with them to get the 10 wins I need to unlock the reward *_* yay!
The problem is... we have to win the matches. Like, destroy the enemy nexus. And I really suck with bruisers and don't know the mechanics of Twisted Treeline. So I tried Renekton, Cho'Gath, even Lulu, but with poor results. Then we tried bruiser + adc + support comp and I took Leona... wow! The first matches were a real success :'D and I obtained 5-6 victories in 2 days. Then the matchmaking system woke up and... let's say... "my skills got lost" :V after a losing streak of 4-5 games I stopped 3v3 for some days. But I'll be back >.<

So it's me, back to soloQQ.
Delicious Victorious Skin, wait for me!!


So, here I am, bot as usual. I'm facing an insane poke composition (Cait + Lulu) who kept harassing us with no mercy!! Luckily my Varus was good and we didn't give them any kill.
They were also pretty tanky with Skarner + Shen, but our jungle Nasus (who failed early) was great after
laning fase was meh (they had kassa roaming)
but team fights were awesome
we pushed in 2 times and won :D
44 LP
Janna for every situation!
No, really no. My adc was just embarassing and my jungler told that couldn't jungler after the match started. Also enemy Varus was playing the good guy and was all "come on it's all the team's fault, they weren't so bad!". But they were, believe me. And if you don't have them in your team writing on your chatboard you can't deeply understand the very depression this brings upon you. -.- Well, screw it, I was totally pissed!! So pissed that I forgot to sign my LP. Gah.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you Darius I the Arrogant, who was absolutely good but definitely unbearable :V he led us to victory but we had to cheer at him constantly to prevent his AFK or avoid his rage. MAAAAN.
Well, still a victory, but what a pain >.<
51 LP
Bot. We were definitely outplayed by Beach Party Lane (Leona + Graves) and lane was lost badly >.<
Then, we had an unexplicable comeback after a good TF o.o where only their Leona survived. And we pushed all mid through up to the nexus... yay? Not deserved but, hey, still a win.
73 LP
Weird choice, I'm first pick and I take Lux going support.
It's been a while since I used the luminosity lady :) let's hope for the best.
Yay a nice team :D I mean... friendly, supportive. and enough skilled. the real best!
I was aggressive and Vayne followed fast. We made a minor mistake or two but in the end we pushed without problems. We had a weird Galio mid who was actually good :)
95 LP! will next game mean promotion?
NO. Leona + Corki vs Ezreal + Kha support o.o
We -literally- fucked them. BUT. But our Morde fed their Riven top :V oooh I'm sick of buttle bunny Riven >.< it's the nightmare of my every 3v3 match!!
They pushed slowly but inesorably through our mid lane and we were able to keep the nexus up without turrets for 2 fights, on the 3rd they had baron and won.
So much harass :(
80 LP

Ok, I wanna play Nami. I'm bot + Vayne vs Tristana + (ugh) Thresh. Why wasn't it banned?
Complete ownage. This Thresh wasn't a threat.
100 LP!! promotion, here I come!
First match.
Nami + Cait vs Vayne +.... GP?
Trolling or not? Well he steals creeps and begun with 0 wards, so it could be a troll instead of a weird choice :-/
Aoe flame in chat.
He wasn't scary, I feared he could harass too much but was so squishy that was dead after the first parrley. Fast push and win!
I feel bad for you guys but thanks to this troll + Vayne rageafk early I won my first match :)

Second match, let's hope it's the last one.
Varus + Janna vs Blitz + Ez. Ow!
Wow our Rengar and Udyr were flaming all the time :-/ nooo guys don't rage I need you to be efficient!!
At the end they calmed down and we prevaled :)
And they apologized for all the flames. Good guys, better not flaming at all, but it's still something.
In my country we say something that sounds like this: "All things that end good are good."

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